Ok so those of you that know me well enough would know that my dad's been in a better place (also known as Heaven) for the past four years. And through those four years I have changed as a person a lot and most of the things are bad. That's why I need to apologize to all of you.
So the other day I kinda freaked out on one of my friends and I'm so sorry about that. It's just in the past four years I've kept everything in and that makes me get mad and upset with myself and then I take it out on other people. I don't try to make it that way it just happens without me being able to control it.
Sometimes I can be really happy then within ten seconds I can be crying in the corner of the room then after that I can be happy again then I get mad and freak out. I think it's bipolar disorder. Bipolar disorder is, "A disorder associated with mood swings ranging from depressive lows to manic highs." -Google. It's very common to have and it's also known as Manic Depression
I was also told by multiple people (including the guidance counselor) that I am depressed. Which I am and that's cause of keeping everything in so in really sorry about insulting anyone or freaking out on you or being happy then all a sudden having an emotional breakdown. I can't control it like I used to be able to do. You don't know how hard I try to but it's just not possible anymore.
I've also been scared by more things. I'm scared to dive because it's like falling and I'm scared of falling because my dad died from falling. I'm also scared of heights because of him falling from up high.
I wanna say sorry to the people that I've freaked out on or yelled at. Here's a few: 20sgirardi cheerinbb 20mmerritt 20gwindon Dacer17 20efohl 20mnajem
So yeah...
Sorry guys...