idk what to name this😶

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Y/n pov:
after severus left me and ron started laughing so hard he started rolling on the floor and i rolled next to him

"you know we probably look like bugs rolling around right now, right?" i asked

and we both started laughing even harder oto the point hermione and harry came to check on us

we heard the door open and stood up still laughing a little

"Are yall ok?" harry asked looking as if he were trying to hold in a smile/laugh

"yea yall are laughing really loud the fat lady was concerned" hermione added on

"yea w-were fine" i said still laughing

"just snape being snape" ron said making both of us laugh a little harder than before

"ok we were just making sure" harry and hermione said in sync as hermione winked and harry smirked

"arseholes" i thought

after they left me and ron got back up and started talking again

~~~~TIME SKIP [DINNER]~~~~~~~~~

me, ron, harry, and hermione all sat together as we ate dinner

i just ate and while i look over at ron hes eating as if this is his first meal since 20bc

"merlin, ron slow down" harry says wich only makes ron eat faster and more at once

"ron stop that's disgusting" i say and he actually stops

"fine" he says looking down at his plate that is completely empty

~~time skip bc its 2am and im lazy rn~~

me, and ron are playing wizard chess while hermione, harry, and some other boy named neville we met who seems nice

ron puts me in checkmate and i was mad

"checkmate" ron smiled while i glared at him

of course he won after all

after the game all 5 of us decided to play truth or dare

"truth or dare" harry asked ron
"Dare" ron said nervously

           me       hermione
             seats^ and neville decided to watch

"i dare you to..." harry started thinking

"tell us who your crush is" harry finished and smirked stupidly

ron looked at me blushing and we held eye contact for a few seconds before he said

"someone is this circle" harry and hermione started whispering to each other while me and ron just smiled at each other

~~~~~time skip bc im a lazy ass~~~~~~~

<everyone is about to go to sleep>

"hermione" i asked not able to fall asleep

"y/n go to sleep tomorrow we have potions first thing in the morning and we are meeting ron and harry in the common room" hermione bugged

A/n: ik its not that long i just ran out of ideas and next chapter will be their first official day also y/n and ron will be pretty much the class clowns together so snape will hate them even more bc to him its to early for this shit so yea im abt to start writing it but the next few chapters might be kinda short i have a lot going through my mind rn

p.s don't forget u are loved


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