The Arrival

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I woke up about 20 minutes before we landed and it was pretty late around 11 0r 12 o'clock and looked over to see denki still asleep on my shoulder, I gave slight smile feeling happy that I was able to help and calm him down. I started to read a book quietly while we where waiting for our descent, eventually we landed. "Hey Denki, wake up we're here." then he slowly starts to open his eyes "Huh? Sho are we here?" he said half asleep I was also a little suprised at the name he called me. "Yes, w-we're here." he woke up a little more as I helped him up with the blanket wraped around him, we then got off the plane. "What time is it Sho?" he said still very tired, I look down at my phone "It's 12:36, why?" I asked while we grabed our luggage "I'm just, very tired" he said as he was rubbing his eyes. We then walked outside and sat on a bentch as I called for a ride. I then let out a slight sigh "I-is everything ok?" he asked sounding a little more awake "It's gonna take 15-20 minutes for our taxi to get here, and it'll also take half an hour to get to our penthouse, You ok with that Denki?" "Y-ya I'm ok with it, a-are you ok with it Sho?" he said as he got up to start streching "I'm ok with it, I guess I'm just very tired" I say while scratching the back of my neck. "So am I hehe." he said as he sat next to me. I didn't know what to do while we waited for our taxi "Hey Sho wanna watch a movie with me on my phone while we wait?" he asked while sharing the blanket "S-Sure. What do you wanna watch?" I asked as he went on Netflix and started scrolling to find a movie. We eventually agreed on a romance movie called "Night of My Dreams"

We watch the movie for about 30 minutes as a car pulls up, "You Mr. Todoroki?" asked the driver opening the door 'This guys can't be a taxi driver with all those scars and that huge tattoo on his face!?' I thought to myself "Yes, sir thats me" said Shoto as we grabed our luggage. We walked over to the trunk of the car to put bags in the back, "here I'll get that for you Denki, you can get in the car if you want." he says as he reaches for his bag to put in the trunk."Are you sure Sho?" "Ya I'm sure" he says as he puts my bag in my in the back of the car. "Here I got the door for you Sho" I say opening the door for him "Why, t-thank you Denki. he says as he gets into the car while a slightly blushing from embarresssment, I hesitated to get into the car at first but managed to get in. Shoto then whispered to me "Are you ok?" "Sho! I don't trust him theres something off about him!" I whispered back "I think so to. But lets just keep an eye on him for now" he said. We decided to watch the rest of the movie on the way to the to the penthouse and try not to focus to much on the driver, we eventually made it to the penthouse a few minutes after finishing a movie. We then got out of the car and grabed our stuff out of the trunk. "T-thank you sir" I say while giving him a tip for the ride. "Wait!" he said as he gets out of the car. A shock of panic went down my body as he started sprinting towards us. I froze out of fear as small shocks of electricity bounced off my body and accidentaly shocked Shoto who was standing behind me, which made him realize he needed to step in. "Do we have a problem sir?!" asked Shoto as he grabed my wrist inspite of the slight shocks on his hand. As he pulled me behind him, I mumbled his name under my breath "S-Sho, w-whats happ- " he looked at and gave a soft smile and whispered "I got this Denki." then turned back to the man. "So whats the issue?" asked Shoto now with slight anger in his tone, the man then said "You just look...familiar, droped this blondie~" he then handed me a neckless that looked like the one my parents had givin me for my birthday before they both passed on.*Gasp*. Shoto turned to me after hearing my gasp, I then grabed the neckless quickly as the man turned and got in the car, he then rolled the window down and looked at us. "See you two soon. Heros~" he said as he left. I watched him drive away while slightly shaking due to the fact he said he would see us soon and knew that we're heros. "Denki?! Are you ok!?" I then turned to Shoto "Huh?! What?" "What did he give and why are you shaking!?" asked Shoto as he put his hands on my shoulders, I then snaped out of it and realized how much I was sweating. "O-oh I'm fine and he just gave me a neckless that is very important to me" I then show him the neckless, he then let out a sigh of relief, "Ok, but why are you shaking are you ok!?" "I was just nervous at the fact that he new that we're heros and I'm still a bit cold.Hehe" and with that he grabed my hands as he then began to speak, "Denki theres know need to worry, your a hero with an amazing quirk so you will be safe and if needed I can protect you! An if your cold we can go inside."I looked him the eyes not even realizing the fact that I was crying "T-thanks Sho" I said as he then went to wipe my tears. I was blushing slightly as he wiped my tears, "W-why don't we get inside!?" I say looking away quickly so he can't see my face "O-ok." he says as taking his hands off my face. We the go and open the door to the Pentouse. "This place is amazing!" "It sure is." says Shoto as he locked the door. We both then go to our seprate rooms and change for bed and I floped on my bed and thought to myself. 'I can't believe that I was chosen for a mission in Korea but the fact Im scared I might kinda like Shoto!?'

The End of Part 3

Authors Note: I'm sorry that this was a long chapter but please let me know how it is!!! 💜💜💜💜

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2023 ⏰

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