A Spectacular Start... Sorta (Old)

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We start our day off with a blonde girl making her way to Midtown High, bag slunk over her shoulder was she walked. She was just putting in her airpods and was about to play something on her Iphone before looking at her backpack, seeing a bit of white fabric sticking out and frantically stuffing it back in before playing music and continuing her walk.

This was none other than Gwen Stacy. Your everyday average teenager that holds a secret that no one knows of.

You know it, but I've gotta build a story here.

As she made her way through the halls, reaching her locker, she opened it and began to unpack her bag. She almost pulled out a white mask, again quickly stuffing it back in before getting the actual stuff to unpack. Though, she was interrupted by a small little Lego Emperor Palpatine perching on her shoulder.

"Join me and together-" Her head perked up. "We'll build my new Lego Deathstar."

"... What?!" She whisper yelled as she turned to see that you were the one holding the figure and a wide smile grew on her face. "No way, that's awesome. How many pieces?"

"3803." You say with a straight face.

"That's insane." She says while putting something else in her locker.

"I know, you wanna build it tonight?"

"I can't tonight." She says while closing her locker and looking back at you. "I've got the S.H.I.E.LD.-"

"Mmhmm, S.H.I.E.L.D. internship."

"Yeah, exactly." She says as you two began to walk to class.

"Always with that internship."

"Well, hopefully it'll lead to a real job at some point."

"That would be nice. They'd be all 'good job on those spreadsheets, Gwen. Here's a gold coin'." You say as she turns to you. "I don't know how jobs work."

"That's exactly how they work."

"Oh." You then say as the two of you shared a laugh.


"So, do you have any time to, I don't know take off?" You asked as the two of you were in line getting lunch.

"I'm trying, but with something like this, it's like..." Gwen says before waving her hand a bit. "You can never tell when to make time, you know."

"I'm just saying, aside from school, we don't really hang out as much as we used to."

"I know. Look, I'll try to get some... what are they called?"

"Vacation days?"

"Uh, yeah that. I'll try to do something, I promise."

You simply nodded and let go, though was a little disappointed in the answer. The two of you got out of line with food in trays before looking around the area. Then you spotted the two friends of yours and smiled before making your way over to them. Your old pals, Peter and Ned.

"We should probably stop staring before it gets creepy though." Peter says.

"Too late." You say, getting their attention.

"You guys are losers." Gwen jokingly says.

"Very funny." Ned laughed.

As the two of you sat next to them, you looked in the direction Peter was staring at, and spotted a well-known redhead from across the room. Without words, you knew exactly what was happening and gave him a sly smirk.

"What?" He says, noticing the look. "What?" He says again.

"Come on, you know." You say before looking at the girl again. "So, you wanna try to hit off with Maryjane."

Wrapped up in her business (Male Reader x Spider-Gwen)Where stories live. Discover now