13. Mist and Demon?

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(Katekyoshi Hitman Reborn and Naruto are not mine.

The group was quiet as they walked to a boat waiting for them close to the river. A man who turned out to be a friend of Tazuna's greeted them. Sasuke had taken over talking with Tazuna at some point and offered to pay for the mission which was at least an A - rank. Tazuna had gone quiet before accepting his offer, which led to Sasuke burrowing Kakashi's ninken. Kakashi had radiated pride the whole time it happened and summoned Bull this time.

Sasuke, "That's a large dog."

Naruto, "Yeah."

Kyoko, "Anyone wanna snuggle all of a sudden?"

The large dog was a very sassy one in Kyoko's opinion, she did not know dogs could raise their eyebrows. He eyed the three of them before huffing in amusement and leaving after rumbling at Kakashi. Kakashi grumbled under his breath about nosy summons before moving ahead with the mission. Soon enough, they saw the bridge Tazuna was building and Kyoko was admittedly impressed. For a country that was economically compromised, it was doing well all things considered.

Naruto gave a whistle, "That is impressive."

Sasuke nodded, "Not bad."

Kyoko, "Yeah, guess you are not so helpless after all."

Tazuna puffed up a bit, "I can only hope to complete it soon."

Naruto threw a kunai, "Who's there?"

The rest of them became alert staring at the direction Naruto threw the kunai. The bushes stirred making them more tense and almost face plant when a white bunny of all things came out. Tazuna gave a relieved sigh though Kyoko was eyeing the bunny warily which made her teammates eye it too. Kakashi also realized a white bunny in the middle of summer was not normal and pushed them all down. They gave a squawk and the boat man screamed as a large sword went flying over them.

Kyoko gasped while Sasuke and Naruto froze at feeling a powerful killing intent directed towards them. The three of them struggled to remain standing under the onslaught of the intense intent, which felt suffocating. Kyoko notices Tazuna and the boat man was not doing any better and tried to snap out of it. Kakashi released a powerful 'Kai', to disperse the K I, and placed a hand on Kyoko. Kyoko looked at him with gratitude as she and the others tried to stop their trembling.

Kakashi was furious by what happened, his pups were trembling because of fear. He would not let their enemy get away with it, he would not let their enemies touch his students. Kakashi snapped his head up as a figure approached them through the thick mist. Naruto gasped on seeing the person while Kyoko was eyeing him with a lot of incredulity. He was powerful but they way he was clothed, something was fishy here.

Kakashi spat out, "Momoichi Zabuza, demon of the Mist."

Zabuza stepped out of the mist, "Hatake Kakashi of the Sharingan. Heard you became stronger lately."

Kyoko blurted, "What are you wearing?"

Naruto pulled her sleeve, "I do not think now is the time nee - chan."

Sasuke nodded, "Yeah, come on, Tazuna - san. We can't stay here."

Kyoko, "No, I mean just look at him. Really look, that's not how a high ranking Shinobi should be. I expected better equipment."

Kakashi was amused, "You can criticize his life choices later Koko - tan. For now step back."

Kyoko, "Okay Sensei, but just now, well, things are not as simple as we thought here."

Kakashi engaged Zabuza and started to battle him, "I would appreciate it, if you could just go your way and we went our way."

Zabuza, "I don't think so, Hatake. It looks like you became soft. I heard you had become stronger. Maybe it was just a rumour."

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