CH 4: Struggling Rats

225 14 13

Location: Carne Village
Narrator POV

Londes Di Gelanpo was a faithful man who took praying to the gods seriously but right now he cursed them so much he was sure all the good he did in their names was undone. Everything was going as planned, they rounded up the sixty or so remaining villagers in the village square while they started to set their homes on fire. They had horsemen and 4 knight archers around the village to make sure no one escaped. Just like in all the other villages, they would only leave ash and a handful of survivors behind just like planned. But something went wrong this time...

He turned his head and looked toward the wooden watch tower where the villagers were, the children who were previously trying to hide behind with sticks in their hands now stood in the open looking in wonder at the figure that stood in front of them. It was a knight who towered over them in gleaming bronze armor with a kite shield in one hand and a long axe in the other, protecting them and the other villagers.

And when Londes turned his head to look in front of him once again, he saw the other one. His armor was almost the same as the one bearing a shield, the only difference was less armor around the joints to allow him to move faster and he brandished a great sword in his hands instead. Londes had no idea who these strangers were but the copses of his comrades that stood at their feet made one thing certain, they were unbelievably strong.

They appeared out of nowhere, the shielded one killed the knight that stood guard around the villagers in a single strike and remained there intending to protect them, and the other took position between all of them, planted his sword into the ground, and waited. In the beginning, they were confident and 3 of his comrades attacked the sword user only for all 3 of them to be cut in half in a single slash. After the initial shock that came over all of them was subdued, Ririk a nice man who enjoyed liquor a little too much, tried to flee only to get impaled through the back by the sword of the knight and thrown at the other 3 corpses. It looked like he intended to make a pile out of them. After that, he planted his sword into the ground once again and this time he signaled to them to come and face him.

He was sure a full minute passed since then and none of them moved. There were 15 of them left in the square and he was sure they would not be enough, the display from earlier made it obvious what would happen if they tried to flee as well.

???: Who the hell do you think you are?!

Londes saw one of them step towards the knight with his sword in its sheath. It was hard to figure out who was who thanks to the identical armor they all wore but Londes recognized him immediately and a sour expression appeared on his face.

Londes: Captain Belius...

The only reason he was nominated their captain was his family's wealth and status in their country. He was unfit for both fighting and leadership with a lust for women that caused them problems in multiple villages at this point. Everything went wrong from the moment he was appointed as their leader.

Belius: Do you have any idea what country we serve?! Get on your knees and beg for forgiveness you swine!

All the bronze knight did at those words was turn his head at their screaming leader. Londes was ready to run and punch him before the fool revealed their country and plan but before he could do anything Belius started screaming once again.

Belius: You dare to ignore me you intolerant piece of shit! Did your master not train you right?! Or is your master just as stupid as y-

Londes didn't know what happened. He was watching Belius believing the man went completely insane and all of a sudden he felt something bounce off his helmet with a wet sound followed by what he guessed were pebbles bouncing off his armor. He wiped his helmet and when he looked at his hand his eyes widened, there was blood, but it wasn't his. He looked down and found out what hit him, a tongue, and next to it the small objects who he previously thought were pebbles turned out to be teeth. He turned toward the spot where the bronze knight should have been only to see his great sword, and when he looked at Belius, he saw the man grabbing at his now exposed face, blood gushing from between his hands, the knight standing over him, in one hand holding a twisted price of iron what used to be an enchanted helmet... And a human jaw in the other...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2023 ⏰

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