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"She wants to pretend nothing happened." She said. "I just need a minute to myself alright."

"Okay but where are you?" Nudee asked. Engfa hasn't been answering anyone's calls since yesterday. And it started to worry Nudee when she found her house empty. If Engfa wasn't home then where could she be?

Charlotte was sitting next to her listening in on the conversation since her calls went unanswered as well. After a little chit chat Engfa hangs up the phone. "Well at least she's alright." Marima says .

"What happened?" Nudee asks Charlotte. The two have had disagreements in the past but it was like a scratch and they soon got over it. However this doesn't seem like the usual petty fights they happen to have.

Charlotte felt sadden by the situation and hoped Engfa was alright.

During the afternoon, Marima shared something with Nudee while charlotte kept checking her phone. The girls started whispering and she got curious. "What?"

"Engfa is in Singapore."


"Why go somewhere far?" she checked her social media but there was nothing there, hasn't been active since yesterday. "How do you know, she hasn't posted anything?"

"It's on Chompu's Instagram story." Nudee replied, getting a little slap from Marima. "What? Didn't know it was a secret."

It seemed like what Chompu and Engfa had was more than just sex and that scared Charlotte. She didn't like the fact that this woman was still around her when they have shared more than saliva. She got up and said her goodbyes, she need to go home and check on Nop. He must be lonely since he doesn't know anyone around here.


Three days.

That's how long it took for Engfa to return home. She was refreshed and felt at ease, the entire situation with charlotte almost sent her down the drain. She could feel the dark cloud looming over her and if she had stayed, faked a smile while starting to feel empty inside.

She liked Charlotte and deep down she thought the girl felt the same way. They hadn't even talked about giving what they felt a chance. Instead she found herself a boyfriend. Yes, she's not perfect but Chompu knows how I feel and we haven't had sex with each other since Charlotte walked in on us, we are friends that once slept with each other and we spent more time talking about Charlotte to be anything romantic, however she couldn't say the same thing for Charlotte.

Engfa walked into her house, she had informed Nudee that she was coming home. So when she felt a human present, her first thought was Nudee but it was none other than Charlotte, looking pretty in denim shorts and a white vest.

"Hey." Engfa said, not thinking anything of it. She didn't know the impact her disappearance caused before they found out she was diving in the waters of Singapore.

Charlotte eyed her up and down as she moved around in her house. Checking everything. "How was your trip?" their proximity felt a little awkward with Engfa standing stiffly away from her. She hated this side of Engfa when directed to her because Engfa could master a poker face with a smile. It was hard to tell what she was thinking and it ate her sanity away.

"The trip was eye opening." She meant about her feelings for Charlotte but since Charlotte only knew that she was alone with Chompu, this felt like she was being tossed aside, too soon if you ask her.

"I can imagine."

"Doubt that."

They stared at each other. Both thinking of the opposite that could actually be said. The communication they had built didn't feel like they could use it for they felt lost and didn't know what to say but both had a lot to say.

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