"Leaving the white house"

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Notes- "this is my first time writing so please cut me some slack !"

Olivia - Good morning Lauren, can you please tell the president that I am here to see him?
Lauren - Of course he is just finishing up a meeting you can wait in his office
Olivia - Thank you, Olivia walks into his office and sets her bag and coat on the couch then takes a seat
Fitz- Good morning Olivia, "he walks over to her and tires to kiss her"
Olivia- "She pushes him away" Fitz no, she hands him her letter of resignation
Fitz - Olivia what is this?
Olivia - my letter of resignation I am sorry I can't work for you anymore
Fitz - No I don't accept you can't leave
Olivia - In a low breath says " Good bye mister president " then proceed to walk out
1 hour earlier
Olivia - "looks down on a positive pregnancy test" No this can't be happening.... She takes another and it also says positive "she realizes that she has to go in to work in a hour so she begins to get ready" Olivia begins to pace in circles thinking about what she is going to tell Fitz and realizes she can't blow his whole political career out of the water .
Present time
Olivia gets back to her apartment and pours herself a glass of wine and grabs some popcorn before putting the glass to her mouth she remembers about the baby and ultimately decides to take a nap she climbs into her bed and falls asleep.

Olivia wakes up to several messages and miss calls
Cy - why did you resign please call me back liv
Fitz - 1:30 miss call
Abby - you need to come in NOW!
Harrison - Olivia are you ok?!
Huck - liv are you ok we need you here
Huck - liv we are coming to check on you

Damn it, she sights and gets up to check the door.
It was abby, she lets her in without a problem
Abby - liv what is going on?
Olivia- "looks down at the pregnancy test on the counter"
Abby - oh my god what are you going to do?! Do you know who's it is?
Olivia - abby you know I have only been sleeping with one person
Abby - Ok but are you going to keep it?
Olivia - I don't even know I need to go to the obgyn though
Abby - Ok I will make you a appointment but for now you need to get you ass to work
Olivia - fine, " she turns on her hair straighter and puts on a outfit"

This is the end of the first chapter I hope you have enjoyed this please leave comments on how I did and thanks for reading!!! P.s sorry if it was short

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