Season 2 Episode 2

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AN: I compressed Episodes 2 and three into this one episode.
P.S. I have no idea why this one is so short, haha

                      Day 2   
I woke up the next morning feeling more myself even if the pain in my gut was really killing me from lack of food. against what my body wanted, I forced myself to stand up.

“Come on, Jade...get moving…” I told myself weakly as I pushed myself forward. I could feel my hands and legs shaking. I made sure to close the door to the church again just in case I was going to have to make my way back here and spend another night. I managed to find the tree I marked and went back into the woods and followed my markers all the way back to my trap that I set up for a rabbit. By the time I got there, it was easily noon. 

it was silent the whole way there as far as I could tell. When I finally came around a large tree, I was surprised to find that my trap was indeed useful. I couldn’t help laughing at the idea a little as I saw a rabbit sitting there. 

“Oh man, I am so lucky.. you not so much” I mumbled, meaning the rabbit as I walked over and grabbed it. With a shaking hand, I took my knife and made one cut right into the heart, killing it instantly so it didn’t suffer. “Sorry little guy” I breathed and cleaned up the rabbit and skinned it right there. I didn’t wait to make a fire, barely getting it started, then just threw the rabbit onto the fire. I didn’t have time to get back to cook it. 

My hunger had gotten the better of me, and I needed something to give me energy now. It didn’t take long to get it cooked and edible. I ate it and could taste it was really dry. It didn't help my lack of water, but the food stopped the aching in my gut. After a moment, I felt myself gaining some energy, and my shaking had subsided.

“Okay. time to move on” I mumbled and set up the trap again just in case it caught something else. I remembered another way to eat, and it was another memory I had from Daryl. He told me that I could always eat worms if I was hungry enough. I remember gagging just to show him I was not ever going to do that. Although now I saw that as a very strong possibility, to do so, I would need to find water to find worms. From my spot, I looked to the sky and had taken note of where the sun rose and then set. From there, I was able to have some sort of idea where I was going.

I headed where I didn’t mark before, and as I walked, I marked trees to keep track of where I was. I picked up small stones where I found them and put them into my pocket while I kept the skin out on my belt to dry out what I could. As I walked, I cut off part of my jeans to make the straps for the sling and made them as thin as I could make them and got them ready to tie up. 

“I can't believe you left your sling on the RV like an idiot” I muttered to myself as I looked at the straps I made. It really didn’t seem like it was going to work, but I still tried to get it to work. I didn’t have a choice. I walked a couple more miles before I finally came to a small river. I smiled at the sight of it and dropped down into the cool stream and against what I was always told and what I knew was best I drank from the water to get something in my system. I couldn’t boil it because I didn’t have anything to carry it, but I took as little as I could, and it seemed clean enough. “Don’t make me regret this” I muttered to the water as I scrubbed my face, then dunked my hair into the water, cooling myself off from the heat and cleaning it a little bit. 

Once I was finished enjoying the water, I looked up to the sky and saw the sun was starting to fall. I took note of the direction, then headed back home, making sure to follow my markings until I got back to the trap and surprise it was empty. 

“That’s fine... you can make it the night again... I knew I should have looked for some worms” I cursed myself as I kept walking and heading back to the church. The sun was just about to leave me in darkness when I came to the opening of the graveyard of the church and saw some idle figures standing here and there. I stayed at the treeline and looked around and listened carefully to hear growling and hissing from what I knew now was walkers. “shit” I mouthed to myself as I backed away and left. It looks like tonight I wasn’t going to have any roof over my head. 

                        Day 3

I found a somewhat safe place to camp for the night, but it required me not to sleep all night. I did nod off here and there for just a moment, but my anxiety of being outside all alone in pitch black kept me waking up or jumping at even the slightest sound. It wasn’t my best night on this planet, but I was still drawing breath, so I had to be thankful for that. 

“Damn you have become quite the optimist” I scoffed to myself. I thought for sure I was going to start going crazy or feeling like all was lost, but somehow I kept it in my heart that it was all going to be okay. “They’re looking for you” I spoke “Rick, T-dog, Shane, Glenn, Daryl, Carl, Carol, Andrea,Lori, Sophia, Dale...they’re all looking…” I spoke drifting off into sleep again. I jumped awake again, hearing a twig snap, and I looked, the source of the sound but saw nothing. “Okay can't stay here” I ushered myself as I started to stand up but heard growling and turned to see a walker had snuck up on me. I reached for my knife, but it lunged at me and hissed “Get off me!” I snapped, pushing it away until it fell, and I stepped away-or stumbled, should I say. I hit the ground, knocking my air out of my lungs.

I looked to the walker to see it crawling towards me and gripped my leg. I did the only thing I could and kicked it in the head as hard as I could, but it just wasn't enough to make it let go. I fumbled as I pulled out my knife but didn't get a chance to open it as it moved further up my leg and was about to bite through my jeans but I sat up and just used the handle and slammed it into the skull killing it. I quickly crawled away and watched it lay there dead as I took a calming breath. I was shaking, but I was very much awake now and with adrenaline pushing through me. 

“Thanks for asshole” I hissed at the walker as I stood up and ripped my knife free from its head. The whole thing was covered in blood and chunks of the brain. “I would be sick...if I wasn’t so damn tired... hungry,,,, and pissed” I told myself as I gave it a quick wipe on my jeans then. put it away into my back pocket. I looked at the walker and saw he was wearing a vest that had lots of pockets and shoes were worn out. Like a survivor would wear. I rolled it over and saw on its wrist a kind of corded bracelet. You know the one that turned into like a thirty food cord? yeah, well, that was exactly what I needed to make my sling. After that, I started to poke around in the pockets, looking for something that might be useful. 

After looking through the vest and finding nothing I was about to leave when I saw something in the pocket of the jeans and put my hand in and felt around until I pulled it out and found a really crushed tiny bottle. I laughed and took it 

“At least you're not a total waste” I thought as I stood up and got walking and followed my markings back to the Rabbit trap and again found it empty. I moved on all the way until I found the small stream. I sat by the water and tested the bottle to find it was mostly fine, but there were a couple holes in the sides where it was crushed over and over again. I got to work to get a fire started and barely managed to do so because o f the moisture of everything. Then I got some water and held it over the fire to boil it and clean it. It was near impossible to hold onto the thing but I did manage to do it then to cool it off I set part of the bottle into the water to cool it down instantly or at least most of the way then choked the whole thing down. After that, I filled a second bottle, and then I searched to look for worms.

“Lucky me” I mumbled as I managed to find a couple and cleaned them off and sighed. I watched them in my hand and tapped my leg. “this is so gross” I complained to myself then, without thinking I just threw it into my mouth and chugged the water to get it down as fast as I could and without feeling anything. Once all the water was gone, I sat for a moment and relaxed, feeling nothing. “oh good. I can work around it” I told myself, feeling relieved. I turned to my sling and upgraded it from the fabric to the cord from the bracelet and used my rocks and tested it out and threw a pebble at a tree, hit it, and smiled.

“Look at that... you can survive on your own..longer than you thought anyways” I shrugged to myself. Night was falling fast, and again, I was left alone in the dark with nothing but the woods around me to keep me company. 'I can't stay here. Too exposed, though, to myself as I started to follow the stream until I found an open spot that led to a larger pool of water. The sounds of the gushing water were soft and peaceful to us humans, but since walkers were drawn to sound, that also meant it was dangerous. With it becoming dark, I figured it was better to camp a little bit aways so the walkers, if any, would go to the sound rather than just stumbling around and risk finding me.  This was as good as I was going to get, so I got comfortable, and slowly felt sleep taking over

Surviving the Walking Dead: Season 2Where stories live. Discover now