Episode 11

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Glenn, Daryl, and I walked into the house and looked around to see everyone waiting in the living room for us to come back.

"Rick and Shane ain't back?" Daryl asked as they all saw me and stood up, and Andrea rushed over and hugged me. I smiled lightly and hugged her back, surprised she was still happy to see me even after all the horrible things I've said to her.

"No" Lori answered. Daryl was not too worried about me, and from her answer about Rick not being back, I understood why.

"We heard a shot-"

"Maybe they found Randoll," Lori said, and I shook my head

"Doubtful" I winced from my throat, and they all looked at me worried, and that's when Andrea saw my throat

"My god, did Randoll do that to you?" she asked, and I looked at her confused.

"No" Daryl told her, and she looked back to him "we found him"

"Is he back in the shed?" Maggie asked as she looked over to me worried as well

"He's a walker" Daryl corrected, getting it out as fast as he could, and everyone fell silent

"Did you find the walker that bit him?" Hershel asked calmly, and the three of us looked at each other

"He wasn't...bit" I croaked out, and Andrea looked at me frozen.

"What are you talking about?" she asked me

"That's the weird thing...he wasn't bit" Glenn repeated for me, so I didn't have to talk too much.

"His neck was broke" Daryl explained

"So he fought back" Patricia noted outloud, and Daryl went to explain what he found but not what I saw.

"The thing is, Shane and Randall's tracks were right on top of each other....Jade was the only one that was kinda zaging around and staying hidden" he told them, and they looked at me. "Shane ain't no tracker,...so he didn't come up behind him. They were together" Daryl explained. I moved to him and lightly hit his arm and pointed to myself once he looked at me. I wanted him to tell them about how I was there.

"Would you please get back out there and find Rick and Shane" Lori started to panic as she stood up and walked over to Daryl and ignored me all together "and find out what on earth is going on?"

"You got it" Daryl nodded, and she touched his arm and thanked him. I frowned and moved with him and stopped him at the porch

"Daryl" I winced as he turned back to me "Let me help" I whispered, and he shook his head

"You gotta stay here-"

"You can't go out there by yourself" I countered back, and he rolled his eyes


"Daryl" I froze as I looked behind him seeing walkers. dozens of walkers. He heard my fear and turned away from me and saw out past the barn there were...hundreds of walkers coming out of the woods.

"Go get the others" Daryl told me, and I nodded and rushed in

"Walkers...lots" I told them, and they all came out to see for themselves, and I moved back to Daryl's side, where we all watched as they got closer and closer. "The lights" I hissed to Hershel, and he turned to look behind us

"Patricia, kill the lights" He whispered to her, and she ran off to do just that.

"I'll get the guns" Andrea added and touched my arm before leaving to go inside.

"Maybe they're just passing like the herd on the highway. Should we just go inside?" Glenn asked, and I shook my head

"Too many" I said, and Daryl nodded in agreement

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