1# Goodbye

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Uhh so I've never written anything before so uhhhh... I have no idea what im doing. It's like 3am rn and I thought it would be a good idea to start something. And im a stubborn bitch so now i can't just stop writing. Also English is not my first language so expect grammatical mistakes. The updates are going to be extremely uneven so expect absolutely nothing from me. Im so tired and I can't see properly plus I have school tomorrow so here goes nothing. What the fuck am I even rambling about????? I have no idea im having a whole ass war with myself rn. Also im listening to random ass tiktok sounds bcs some of the sounds literally make me cream. How tf do I make another chapter???? Oh there. Anyways have fun! Also this reader may not completely match your personality

Bad grammar, sensitive topics, mature topics, mature language, sometimes very dry, awkward, pls dont read, weird topics, uhhhhhhh and a little ooc characters (out of character)


''Yoi, you ok?'' I asked the boy beside me wondering why he was in such a grim mood. Maybe the match earlier? Yeah probably that. ''Yeah, I'm fine Y/n. Thanks for asking.'' The raven haired boy murmured lowly under his breath and with a hint of sadness.

''No seriously Yoi is everything okay? You haven't looked this sad in a while, it's concerning. If you don't want to tell me I'm gonna have to become a whole ass detective.'' I said rather loudly compared to the boy besides me to really rest my case and to make sure I'm heard. ''Seriously I'm fine, and mind your language young miss.'' The boy argued back.

''Oh hell no you're not gonna pull out the young miss card'' ''And I'm suddenly god, Young mister you're not fooling anyone.'' I retorted ''Y/n, I'm fine'' The boy called out a little more loudly than the last time due to a growing annoyance inside.

''No, you're not''

''yes, I am''





I grin in victory as I glance back to the raven haired boy standing still with his bike to his side, a surprised look on his face as he realizes what he admitted. My eyes widen in surprise as the said boy's face contorts to that of a happiness, a wide smile makes its way onto the boy's face as he lightly chuckles at our banter.

His smile looked ethereal like the starry midnight sky covered in mist and gave the feeling of an early morning sunrise slowly making its way up covering the world in a warm coat of sunlight.

''Goddamn this boy has to be some sort of secret model because I can't even comprehend his beauty.'' I soon start to feel my face warmen up and a smile makes its way onto my lips. A light laughter escapes my mouth as I enjoy the sight before me.

''Is it seriously about the football match you just had? Please don't tell me you blame yourself for losing.'' I ask suddenly, my curiosity at peak. ''How are you so good at reading people and their thoughts? Do you have a third eye somewhere?'' He asks, completely perplexed. Looks like I hit the jackpot with my guess. ''Maybe I do, maybe I don't. Who knows?'' ''It's probably because of emotional neglect and having to mature young because my dumbass parents don't know how to give a child the same amount of attention as the other. But of course I have you so I don't need to deal with that.'' I answer while slightly zoning out due to the negative thoughts rummaging through my brain.

''Earth to Y/n!'' I snap back to reality from my sudden thoughts. ''Thanks Yoi.'' I said out of reflect. ''You know I'll always be there for you if you need someone to listen to you.'' Yoichi voiced out slightly concerned. ''Oh I know that don't worry, seriously I couldn't live without a person like you by my side.'' I say my voice mixing with the air as I look down not to show the embarrassed expression on my face. ''You can look at me, I wont judge. You know I've already seen you ugly cry your eyes out so your expression doesn't bother me'' Yoichi said trying to lighten the mood ''You are such an asshole Yoi'' I said slighty embarrassed while lifting my head up and lightly nudging his arm.

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