Phoenix Can't Pay His Bills

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Prompt: Write a long length FanFiction based on the ace attorney franchise. This consists of Phoenix Wright after his mentor Mia Fey passes away. Phoenix is struggling to pay the bills of the law firm as this is his first time running one. Phoenix has been unable to pay the bills and it is stressing him out. He has been sacrificing things from his personal life to be able to at least pay some of the bills. Phoenix turns to working overtime to cope with this newfound stress. He tries his best to hide this, but Phoenix's friend Miles Edgeworth starts to notice this. Miles confides in Detective Dick Gumshoe on what to do. Miles decides to confront Phoenix. Phoenix at first denies it but ends up opening up about his stressors. Miles offers to pay the bills at the law firm. Phoenix at first declines but ends up accepting the offer. This makes both Phoenix and Miles both realize they have a budding romance.

Phoenix Wright sat at his desk in the dark, empty law firm. He rubbed his eyes, fighting off the exhaustion. It had been a long day and he still had so much work to do. He had been running the Wright and Co. Law Offices for just over six months now, since the death of his mentor, Mia Fey. He had taken on her cases and her clients, but he was struggling to keep the bills paid. He just wasn't making enough money.

He had been sacrificing everything he could think of to keep the lights on, but it still wasn't enough. He had stopped going out with friends, stopped going to the movies or eating out. He was beginning to lose hope that he'd ever catch a break that would give him the breathing room he needed.

He tried to not think about it, to just focus on the work he had. But it wasn't easy, especially as he had no one to talk to about it. Mia was the only one he could confide in, and now he was all alone. Or was he?

As Phoenix sat there, feeling sorry for himself, he didn't notice the door to the office open. Miles Edgeworth, his friend and sometimes rival, walked in quietly. He glanced around at the papers on Phoenix's desk before finally speaking.

"Phoenix, it's past midnight. You really should go home and get some sleep."

Phoenix took a moment to register the voice. He looked up from his work and saw Miles, dressed in his usual suit, his pale face illuminated by the glow of the computer monitor.

"Oh, hi Miles. I'm just trying to catch up on some important cases."

"Really? It seems more like you're working yourself to death," Miles said bluntly.

"What do you mean?" Phoenix asked, feeling a twinge of defensiveness creeping up on him.

"You've been working overtime, haven't you? And yet the office still isn't making enough to pay the bills," Miles said, his voice softening just a bit.

Phoenix shrugged. "I'm doing the best I can, Miles. It's been hard, but I'll figure it out eventually."

"Phoenix, I've been a prosecutor for a long time. I understand the value of a strong defense. And you can't provide one if you're not taking care of yourself. You need to let me help you."

Phoenix didn't know what to say. Miles was offering to help him, but he didn't want to take charity. He knew that would be a slippery slope.

"I don't know, Miles. I don't want to be a burden on you."

"You're not. I would consider it an investment," Miles said with a smile. "Plus, I wouldn't mind seeing you relax a bit more."

Phoenix felt a strange wave of emotion, seeing Miles smile at him like that. He was used to the two of them being on opposite sides of the courtroom, but this was different somehow. He couldn't quite put his finger on it.

Eventually he relented. "Alright, Miles. You win. But only if you'll let me buy you dinner sometime."

Miles smiled again. "I don't see why not."

Phoenix felt like a weight had been lifted off his shoulders. He didn't know how he would have kept the firm going without Miles' help. But as he watched Miles walk out of the office, he couldn't help but feel like something else had changed too.

Over the next few weeks, Miles helped Phoenix in more ways than just paying the bills. He would come by the office to help him with particularly difficult cases, or take him out for coffee when he noticed Phoenix was too stressed. And Phoenix found himself gravitating towards Miles more and more, finding comfort in his company.

It wasn't until one night, when they were eating dinner at a restaurant downtown, that Phoenix finally realized he had feelings for Miles. It was like a bolt of lightning had hit him, and suddenly he couldn't get enough of Miles' laughter or his smile.

As they walked back to their cars after dinner, Phoenix took a deep breath and forced himself to speak up.

"Miles, there's something I need to say..."

Miles turned to him, a questioning look on his face.

"I... I don't know how to say this, but I think I might be falling in love with you."

Miles' eyes widened slightly, but he didn't look upset. In fact, there was a twinkle in his eye that Phoenix hadn't seen before.

"That's funny, Phoenix. Because I think I might be falling in love with you too."

They stood there, on the sidewalk, staring at each other for a few seconds before Miles leaned in to kiss Phoenix. The kiss was electric, sending a shiver down Phoenix's spine. He wrapped his arms around Miles' waist, pulling him closer.

As they parted, they looked at each other with a newfound understanding.

"Looks like we're both pretty good at defense, huh?" Miles said with a smirk.

Phoenix couldn't help but laugh. "I guess we are."

They walked back to their cars, holding hands, feeling like the future might not be so daunting anymore.

Author's Note: Here's the second chapter! I might do some NSFW content if it works out.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2023 ⏰

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