The Golden Desert

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We made our way to the Golden Desert, a lobby of it. Before I was going to go there since adventuring makes me happy and all kinds of fun around, I look at Sonic Boom and she was pretty scared about what happened. I feel worried about her.

Sonic Boom: .....

Wally: Skylander, don't be so worried about Sonic Boom. Everybody has a past that's best forgotten, but they just can't.

Wolfgang: Just like me...

Wally: Crystal King is a Doom Raider who can turn all things into crystals... even trapping living beings in crystals. Sonic Boom, Flashwing and Cali were once also trapped inside the crystal prison by him. Not such a pleasant memory, I'd say.

Wolfgang: Yeah, and Golden Queen was also trapped inside the crystal prison by him since she faced the king.

Lolly: One thing's for sure, once we stop the Doom Raiders from using the Book, our problems will be solved! Chef Pepper Jack may come into this equation as well, but for now, we've got the upper hand.

I notice that Golden Queen is coming along with me, along with Bash and Flashwing.

Golden Queen: Lolly's right. Crystal King is scary, but I trust we can do this.


The Golden Desert, a dry desert of just sand and many cactuses, ruins and much more. It's the hottest place in Skylands and home to Crystal King when the Golden Queen drop her villain crime and became a Sensei.

Some of his minions are lurking about in the desert, so I take lead in helping my queen to defeat all enemies while she takes all the gold that she has, even sharing it to me.

More and more, the sandstorms, the dunes and more hazardous paths are in our way but as always we keep going. Moving forward through the desert. Golden Queen doesn't mind that the sand would just hit her face. She's very fond of it and the king itself.

We head to the campsite to rest before continuing our way through the Golden Desert, and come across the end of the road where a familiar king approaches...



⚠️Boss Battle Approaching!⚠️


A king who wants nothing but world domination, the lust for crystal energy and the leader of the Doom Raiders, Crystal King takes a stand! He also similar to Flashwing but wears a king's crown on his head.

(He quotes "Who needs a staff when you can use your tail as a sorcerer weapon?")

Golden Queen: There you are! Crystal King!

Crystal King: Oh, what a nice surprise. The Skylanders are here. Along with the golden lady that I had the pleasure of trapping you inside the crystal. And that goes to Sonic Boom, Flashwing and Cali.

Golden Queen: Thanks for the walk down memory lane. But just so you know, we're going to stop you.

Crystal King: I admire your spirit. However, there's no time for pleasantries. Lots to do after all, so apologies for having to destroy all of you.


A fight with the king is much than we can handle. He was tough and strong as you know who. Luckily, we tackled the Crystal King to the ground while Flashwing summons her own crystals to keep the king in place.

Golden Queen: Just hand over the Book already!

Crystal King: Enough with this insolence. I demand you let me go this instant! Whatever your efforts may be, they're futile, because... I've already ordered Dr. Koopwig to boost the Book's powers!

Lolly: Great, leave it to the mad koopa scientist... He won't have a clue about what he's doing...

Crystal King: For now. We have a few... actually, many tricks up our sleeve. And there are more of us than you think. Hahaha!

Crystal King left the Golden Desert as we complete the world. We head back to the Shattered Islands to recover before moving on to the next world.


A long long time ago, eons ago, a tragedy happened in Skylands that would change the course of its history. Nefarion was a cruel ruler who wanted Skylands for himself. It's known that he ordered a guild of Spell Punks to create a weapon that would rule all, the Mask of Power.

The Mask of Power could contain all of Skylands' elemental powers, and it was devastatingly powerful. Nefarion used the Mask to terrorize Skylands for hundreds of years. During his reign of terror, not only did he enslave all of Skylands... but he also hunted down the Portal Masters one by one.

But the good Portal Masters didn't give up. The fought for peace in Skylands every single day. And in the end, Master Wizbit was the one who was able to break the Mast of Power. Nefarion was locked away in an icy prison, forever.

Peace came again to Skylands, but at a price. And the good Portal Masters were fewer than ever before. Master Eon protected and guided Skylands nearly single-handedly during this time.


Up Next - The Abandoned Factory

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