4 crush

425 19 23

3rd pov:

The day went quickly after that with no more incidents. Itachi still kept his closeness to Katsuki and she couldn't help but feel confused by how thoughtful he acted towards her. She wondered why.

"Alright, party's over. Everybody back to your houses. We have class tomorrow at 8." Sasuke told everyone with a cold tone

"Woah Sasuke, you sounded so mean I might think I need to leave as well even if I live here!" Naruto whines

The girls laughed at the two boys and started to gather their things to take their leave, and so did Itachi.

"Bye grumpy cat, bye knucklehead! See you in the morning!" Katsuki said hugging both boys

"Don't call me that!" Sasuke said annoyed but still hugged Katsuki and she chuckled a little

The rest said their goodbyes as well and parted ways once out of the building. But just as Katsuki started walking in the direction of her home, a hand grabbed her wrist and pulled her back. She stumbled a little but the person held her tightly so she didn't fall.

"You need to be more careful Katssuki." Itachi said strictly but after let out a soft laugh

The girl blushed a little. What was he trying to do?

"I was thinking I can take you home. I wouldn't like the idea of you walking alone at night." Itachi said

"You don't have to worry about me. I'll be fine, plus I live only a couple minutes away from here." Katsuki said

"Katsuki, I wasn't asking. I'm taking you home, I want to be sure you are safe. Now c'mon stubborn girl."

Itachi grabbed her hand and they made their way towards his car. He opened the door for her and then got in the driving seat, asking her the directions to her house. The drive was silent and Katsuki felt very nervous but luckily for her it was very short.

She thanked Itachi and tried to get out of the car but he stopped her. He took her hand and kissed it.

"Have a sweet sleep, Katsuki. See you in the morning" Itachi smiled at her

She felt like her heart is going to burst out of her chest at this sweet gesture. She was also happy inside having the assurance that he'll indeed be tomorrow in class after so long.

"Goodnight, Itachi." She said softly and kissed his cheek.

Both of them were a little shocked by the gesture, but Itachi smiled at her. She got out and ran to her building. She was a blushing mess right now.

'Sweet Jesus what are you doing Katsuki. You're crazy. People tell you he's a red flag and you're out here falling madly in love with him.' She groaned to herself


The next morning Katsuki woke up happier than usual. She checked her phone and saw a text from Sakura saying she'd be waiting for her at the coffe shop near campus as usual.

She started getting dressed and decided to wear something cuter today, choosing a black simple short skirt along with a shirt that showed just enough cleavage to let the mind wonder but also looked respectful enough and paried with some converse sneackers to get that "not so serious outfit look". She put on some makeup. At the end she realised how she really put a little effort today. She wondered to herself, was it because she wanted to look good for Itachi..? Knowing that he's going to be there. Her little crush seemed to grow bigger by the day.

Sakura and Katsuki made their way to class. On the way though, Katsuki felt like guys kept staring at her but she brushed it off. Until one guy thought it was a good idea to try and smack her ass.

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