27 "well, shit!"

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Katsuki's pov:

That night after work ended, I kept my word to myself and went to the Uchiha training ground. Luckily, Tsunade was still there and she worked with me too for a while, helping me get right back in shape.

Not only that, I've been going pretty much every night there after work to be sure I'm enough trained to fight off a possible kidnapping scenario. Itachi has been very busy and tired, thus leading to few questions or not at all, as I would simply tell him I'm going to the gym a little, nothing too extreme.

The intense workout though after quite some time of not visiting this place, has been making me feel extra dizzy lately. And I would find myself like that after every training, which drained me too much. I know I needed to take it slower, but there was no time.

Especially since today is already the day those psychopaths come after me.

I just woke up and I was dressing up for the day. I still had to be at the office, otherwise Itachi would question everything.

I rummage through the racks and decide that I definitely need to wear some pants today. Kicking ass in a pencil skirt sounds awesome, but it sure as hell wouldn't be convenient.

So I pick up some black pants that looked classy enough for work and comfortable enough to move in, along with a simple white blouse.

"Fuck, I can't wear heels either." I mumble as I facepalm myself

After getting out of the bathroom when I'm done dressing, I come downstairs face to face with a grumpy Itachi.

"Katsuki, we need to hurry. C'mon, we're gonna be late." Itachi sighs

I know better than to talk back right now and add to his irritated state. As I said, these days are horrible for him, I don't blame him one bit.

I only nod and look for some shoes that don't have a heel.

"No heels today?" Itachi asks as he glances me up and down confused at my change in attire

"Yeah, my feet have been hurting lately." I murmur without looking at him and getting my purse in my hand, ready to leave "Let's go. I'm done."


This is gonna be a long day. Hopefully not my last.


If tension would be a person, that would be me right now.

5 hours have passed since we got into the building, and all I could do was look around paranoid. I would be quick to trail my eyes over any unusual action. Like if someone would stand up too fast, or someone would get in the elevator with me and look at me more than they should.

Yeah, I was on edge. And so was my body as I kept feeling dizzy and with each hour that passed, I felt weaker and weaker. I wondered if I pushed myself too hard, to the point that I should've just let it be and not train at all if this is what I did in the end to myself.

In this shape, it's gonna be hard to concentrate on my strength. But I must push through it. I thought maybe some food might also help, and it was lunchtime anyway.

So I went ahead and took enough food for both me and Itachi and I spotted some dango today in the cafeteria, wrapped in some cute pink packaging. Of course I had to get that for Itachi. The dango will put him in a better mood for sure, the man loves his sweets. And I can boost up my mood by making fun of the pink girlie wrapping.

Wait, since when did I get so analytical and organized? This is weird. I just hope by now that the drama ends today. It affected us too much. Itachi wouldn't have had to work twice to please the Uchihas to shut up about the whole "he is worthy/he is not worthy of being CEO" bullshit. And I wouldn't be so stressed and with my guard up that my own body is going crazy.

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