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Shittykawa hasn't been coming to school for a few days, no, two weeks. No matter what he wouldn't want to hold up the team. Maybe I should use the extra key he gave me and come to his house. I mean...if I have the key I'm allowed to come, right? It's more reasonable since he isn't answering anyone's messages and calls. Not even mine. Even when I call him at three in the morning he always answers. Why am I even thinking? I need to go. In 2 more weeks it'll become a month. I don't even see him going out. Does he have that much of a supply of milk bread? Does he have that many alien documentary tapes? I don't think so. Well, that's what I think.


Wow. It's pretty dark right now and the lights aren't on. Maybe he is asleep. I should have come in the morning. *He unlocks the door with a key* Wait what's that sound? Who's sobbing this loudly? Is it Shittykawa? Huh. It stopped...?


I don't know how much longer I can last. I'm so stupid. Why was I so confident? No one has even bothered to come here. Just a couple of texts and then they'll give up. Of course they will, they know someone as stubborn as me won't listen to them- Huh. What was that noise? Wait. Someone is here. The door. It's being unlocked. Either someone is breaking in or it's...IWA? OH GOD. I can't let him see me like this! Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Someone is right there at the door. Right at my bedroom door. Please just be my imagination. I'm just hearing things. No matter who it is. It's still bad. Oh god! 



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