I'm fine.

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It's Iwa. Don't breathe. Don't make a sound. He surely didn't hear me, right? I was crying quite loudly. 

"I know you're in there. Please, let me in."

Yep. He heard me. If he opens the door what should I do? Uhm, just act like you are sleeping. Just...slowly move. Put the pillow in...place. Rap the blanket...around me. Okay. There. 


It feels like my heart is running around in laps. More laps than a human could possibly handle. Damn, I don't even think sonic could do this much. Okay calm, calm. It's fine.


Oh. He's not calling me 'Shittykawa,' He definitely heard me. It's a rare sight for him to call me by my name. 


The lights turned on.


I slowly opened the door. At first, I couldn't see anything. I softly said his name. I don't think I should call him by his nickname in this situation. I remember this place. I know where the light switch is, even in the dark.


There. I can see better now. Oh. Is he sleeping? He's breathing heavily...is he okay? I walked closer to him...oh. I can tell he's acting. He's not good at acting, is he?

"I know you're not sleeping."


Knew it.

"What's wrong?"


"I can tell somethings wrong," I said in a concerned voice. His voice sounded like he was at the urge to burst into tears. Anyone could notice something is wrong. I cautiously walked towards him, I needed to be careful not to make my footsteps too loud. I sat on the bed. Cautiously.

"Oikawa. Be honest...please. Actually. No."

I got closer to him and snuggled up. I felt like pressuring him to talk won't help, I didn't want to make him feel even more shitty. I wish he knew how much I love him...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2023 ⏰

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