Chapter Five

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Dear Diary

Don't mind any watermarks on the page, it's raining right now and the clouds seem to reflect my mood.

Today has been a horrid day, and it's not even begun properly.

I woke up and realised the butter was off, so I would have to buy more than I realised the shopping list I made and pinned to the fridge was covered in paint which caused me a minor annoyance. Then my pen ran out whilst I was writing. The toast I was making before I realised the butter situation came out burnt anyway, and to add insult to injury, the cereal was all gone. No breakfast for us then.

Then when it was time to leave Mia tells me she was walking with Michael and Lily, so I hop into my car and it won't start. So I call Joe, he gives me a lift and we go to pick up Sarah, but now were late for school. We get there, pull up a block away and see Mia and her friends, so Sarah and I join her.

And to make my morning worse, dear diary, when we get to the school, it is crowded with people with cameras and news vans and lots of nosy students.

'What going on?' Mia asked.
'I dunno,' I reply obviously.
'Maybe it's a protest,' Lily suggests.
'Maybe,' adds Sarah.

We get closer to the building and I notice some of the students talking with the news people.

'Um, excuse me,' Mia asks one of the men with a camera, Lily behind her with a video recorder for her cable show. 'Who are you waiting for?'

'That's them!' I heard someone yell. 'They're the Thermopolis sisters.'

After that, all hell breaks loose but the one thing I can hear everyone yelling above the ruckus is "Princess! Princess!"

One thing has happened here and that is someone has ratted out to the press who we are.

I wasn't aware of much, just that there was a million flashing lights in my face and a lot of people talking at once. I do remember thinking I had to help Mia, so I grabbed her hand and kind of tucked her into me, and then we started walking up the steps.

Eventually, Vice-Principle Gupta grabbed us and started pulling us towards the school entrance where more kids from school were standing watching. Our PE teacher got to us as well and we were led towards Gupta's office where she started calling people (probably my mum). When she was done she showed us a newspaper where Mia and I were on the front page with the big title being "Princess Valentina and Princess Amelia, San Franciscos Very Own Royals."

Naturally, I was not happy, and I imagine that Grandma would not be either.

That's probably why she made her way straight to the school.

We knew when she arrived because the crowds outside went wild, and the clicking of cameras tripled.

'Mom I don't know who told on us, but it wasn't Andrew or Sarah,' I said glaring at my grandmother who had been the one to suggest it.

Honestly, the idea was laughable. Sarah and Andrew would never tell a soul, especially after signing the NDAs

'No, Vals right,' Mia backed me up. 'Those three have been best friends for years. They wouldn't do something like that, and besides, what would they gain from it?'

'No, I know hon, we'll get to the bottom of this,' mom reassured.

Grandma was sitting in Gupta's seat and Mia, Mum and I were sitting opposite her, all of us around the desk. Gupta and Mr O'Connel were standing by the wall of the office.

Grandma looked up and noticed Joeseph, who entered moments later with Paolo behind him. That traitor.

'Majesty,' Paolo began. 'It was I who told the press about you Principessa, I outed you. So to speak, I don't mean to imply -'

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