Chapter Six

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Dear Diary,

Grandma's fancy dinner is tonight and I just got back from my weekend trip with Andrew. I forgot this Diary so I will have to give you a quick summary of my weekend before I go to get ready with Mia at the Genovian embassy place.

I had fun and I learned some juicy gossip. Whilst we were doing a face mask (a bubblegum one that made Andrew look funny because it contracted against his dark skin, as his sister said,) and watching Snow White, Andrew admitted he had feelings for Sarah!

I was so happy I squealed, and Andrew thought it was because I was happy for him, and not because my ship was finally sailing!

I then had to sit there and give Andrew advice on how to woo a girl (not that Sarah needs wooing!) and the idiot thought that putting his arm around her shoulder and calling her "hon" was flirting. (Sarah would consider it charming and defend Andrew by saying she was thoroughly wooed, but she doesn't count because she could watch the boy pick his nose and sigh about how amazing he is.)

So the two of us spent a lot of time talking about that, and then I laughed a lot when his little sister overheard him saying he had a crush (she spent forever trying to pry the details from him, and told her parents - much too my amusement) and we ran off outside in the woods by the lake to hide from her. It was so much fun.

And now I'm back, and Mia and I have a big fancy dinner to attend tonight, and I'm going to agree to the interview because after some reflecting, grandma wouldn't try and get me to do it if it wouldn't help me in the long run. My only condition though would be that we wait a little while before doing it.

Anyway, I have to go so I can get ready for the dinner. I'll make an update after to talk about how it went.


Things went surprisingly well. Don't get me wrong, there were a few mishaps, but not as many as I was expecting.

Mia was wearing a lovely blue dress she had her hair up in a bun and her makeup was light. Her whole get-up was simple but elegant, classy. I was also wearing a blue gown, but I had my hair down and a lovely flower headband in my hair. I think it was weaved into the stands and tied to a few of them.

Mia walked down the steps first, and I was a few steps behind her. You could hear me coming because of these God-awful heels I was wearing, and I had to clutch the railing more than was appropriate to not fall.

Mia and I met Joe at the bottom who took one of us on each arm and led us to some people to introduce us after our grand entrance.

'Our diligent prime minister Sebastian Motaz,' Joe said, directing us to a nice-looking man. He was large in his figure and wore a suit like every other man, but he had some medals on it, and he had a goatee.
I shook his hand, and then so did my sister as Joe introduced us to his wife and daughter, Sheila and Marissa.

Whilst we were being introduced I also couldn't help but notice a man, Lord Fricker I think (I'll be really proud if I got his name right!) sort of stumbling about with a glass of brandy in hand. Charlotte came over and tried to sort him out, but I was glad to notice him. Seeing the lord do something as silly as getting drunk at a fancy dinner with the queen reminded me that everyone here was still human. They all made mistakes and none of them were perfect, despite what they may want me to believe. That little nugget of knowledge helped me a lot.

Dinner was served and we all went to sit around the large table, a harp playing in the background. There was an old man (I can't remember his name) who was sitting in an armchair and snoring away.

When Grandma arrived we all stood and watched as she walked to the head of the table. I will admit, I was a little intimidated, everyone looked gorgeous, and they were all a lot older than me. Even just the way they stood spoke of years' worth of knowledge on how to act properly. Knowledge I didn't have, and yet I was expected to rule over these people?

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