Chapter 1

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Nancy Drew sat at an empty table in a restaurant at the airport. A few minutes later two boys came in. Nancy looked up and stood and said: "Frank, Joe. It's good to see you again. I just wish it were under better circumstances." Frank and Joe and Nancy sat down. Frank said: "Nancy, over the phone, you said that you needed our help. What's wrong?" Nancy said: "I'm working on a case. I'm staying out at Shadow Ranch. That's where my case is. There's been one accident after another." Frank said: "but you don't think that they're accidents, do you?" Nancy said: "no. There's a legend." Then Nancy told them the legend. She said: "every time the phantom horse appears, the real problem is elsewhere." Joe said: "you think that the phantom horse is a decoy?" Nancy said: "yes, I do. That's why I called you guys here. I have another mystery going. And I think it's connected to my current case. I can't prove it, but I think that one of the ranch hands is possibly a suspect. Joe, I have your cover established already. You'll be working with the ranch hands. Uncle Ed okayed it. Frank, you'll be working with me." Frank said: "cool. Always a pleasure getting to solve mysteries with you." Joe said: "I get to work with the cowboys." Frank said: "how's you and Ned doing?" Nancy said: "Ned was arrested. He attempted to murder my Father. Fortunately I happened to walk in right behind him. I knocked him out and grabbed his gun while Dad called the police. Needless to say, he and I are officially over. I broke up with him after he attempted to murder my Father. I thought he was a good guy. I guess I was wrong." Frank and Joe scooted over and wrapped their arms around Nancy. She leaned into their embrace and said: "thanks guys." Then they pulled away. Frank said: "if it's any consolation, he didn't have me and Joe fooled for a second. We didn't trust him from the start. In fact Joe and our Father looked into his background. They found out that he's not the good guy he led you to believe he was. Joe and Dad told me and I told your Father." Nancy said: "I should have listened to George and Bess. They didn't trust Ned either. I should have listened to you guys." Joe sensed that Nancy and Frank wanted to talk alone so he said: "Frank, I'll go grab our luggage. I have a feeling that you and Nancy want to talk alone without me piping in every five minutes." Frank said: "thanks." Joe caught the underlying message. Then Joe stood and walked out of the restaurant. Once he was gone, Frank said: "Nancy, let me tell you something. You are the most brilliant detective I've ever met. You also kicked my butt when we first met. You're stubborn, determined, kind, loyal, and not afraid to kick butt. You knocked him out when he tried to murder your Father. You can do anything you set your mind to. I pity the criminals that get on your bad side. Because they will learn the hard way what happens when you mess with Nancy Drew. I learned that lesson after you kicked my butt. I've learned not to underestimate you. Cause you are a force to be reckoned with. I love you, Nancy Drew. Will you be my girlfriend?" Nancy said: "yes. And I love you too. Thank goodness your brother isn't here. He'd be saying something along the lines of: "about time you two got together as a couple!" Frank said: "yep. That's my brother for you. He always has something to say. He always has to get his two bits worth in." Suddenly they heard a loud commotion and yelling. Frank said: "Nancy, that sounded like Joe!" Nancy stood and grabbed her purse and said: "let's go find out." Then Frank stood. The two detectives ran out of the restaurant and followed the commotion and yelling. Nancy grabbed her ID. The two detectives reached the scene. They found Joe being thrown onto the conveyer belt. Nancy looked at Frank and said: "I'll stop the conveyer belt long enough for you to get your brother off the conveyer belt." Then Nancy ran over to the control panel and found the power button and hit the power button and the conveyer belt stopped. Frank pulled Joe off the conveyer belt and grabbed their luggage as well. Frank looked at Nancy and nodded. Then Nancy hit the power button and the conveyer belt started again. Then Nancy walked over to the two brothers. Joe filled the two detectives in. Nancy put her ID in her purse. Frank said: "Joe, did you see who threw you onto the conveyer belt?" Joe said: "no. I was thrown onto the conveyer belt from behind. Sorry." Nancy said: "it's okay. Besides, I got a good look at the guy from where I was. He's been causing trouble in town. I've had a few run ins with him. Let's just say he doesn't like me. The feeling's mutual. I don't like him either. Anyways, we'd best head back to the ranch. Dave Gregory let me borrow his truck to pick you guys up. He didn't like me at first. But after a few days, he warmed up to me. He's been helping me. I told him about my suspicion and he agreed to keep an eye on Shorty. Apparently he was suspicious of Shorty too. So he decided to keep an eye on Shorty." Frank said: "can you drive a truck?" Nancy said: "Frank, I've had plenty of experience driving a truck. I've often had to drive a truck when working on a case." Then Joe picked up their luggage. Then the two brothers followed Nancy out of the airport. They walked over to a truck put the luggage in the back seat. Joe climbed into the passenger side and closed the door and buckled his seatbelt. Nancy opened the driver's side. Then Frank climbed in and sat in the middle and buckled his seatbelt. Then Nancy climbed in the driver's side and closed the door and buckled her seatbelt and started the truck and pulled out of the parking lot and drove back to the ranch. As she drove, she explained the routine at Shadow Ranch. Frank said: "I feel like there's more to this case than what we're seeing." Nancy said: "this whole phantom thing has everyone on edge. Especially Uncle Ed and Aunt Bet. I'm the only one on the ranch who doesn't believe in superstition. I've already figured out what makes the phantom horse glow. Phosphorus paint and Japanese silk. The silk used in theater. I still haven't figured out how the phantom horse just disappears. Tonight when Dave and Tex go out on patrol, I'm joining them. Frank, I want you to join me." Frank said: "I planned to join you anyways." Nancy said: "you and I will be on horses. Dave and Tex will be around the ranch keeping an eye out for any trouble. Dave and Tex and I came up with this plan as soon as we realized that the damage was elsewhere when the phantom horse appears. That's when we changed the patrol locations. I've been joining the ranch hands when they go out on patrol. I've been keeping an eye on the big meadow. That's where the phantom horse appears. I volunteered to keep watch there. Nobody else does. They keep watch everywhere else." Frank said: "well, starting tonight, I'm going to join you when you go out on patrol. It never hurts to have backup." Nancy said: "you got that right. And we're here." They pulled into the driveway and stopped. Nancy and the two brothers unbuckled their seatbelts and climbed out of the truck and Joe grabbed their luggage. One of the ranch hands walked over to Nancy and the two brothers. Nancy grabbed her purse out of the truck. Nancy said: "hello Dave. As you can see, I brought your truck back in one piece. And these are the two gentlemen I was telling you about. Meet Frank and Joe Hardy. They're brothers. Joe will be working with you and the other ranch hands. I want you to show him the ropes personally." Dave said: "of course. You can count on me." Nancy said: "Frank is joining us when we go out on patrol tonight. He and I will watch the big meadow together." Dave said: "can you ride a horse?" Frank said: "I can. I've done it before. Nancy and I work well together." Dave said: "this girl can ride saddle bronc like nobody's business. She has Tex beat in the arena. You should see her in action. In fact, there's a big event tomorrow. Nancy's already signed up." Frank said: "I look forward to seeing her in action." Nancy picked up their luggage and led Frank inside while Dave and Joe parked the truck. Nancy and Frank walked into the living room. Nancy set their luggage down and: "Uncle Ed, Aunt Bet, I'd like you to meet my boyfriend Frank Hardy. His brother is with Dave. Dave is teaching Joe the ropes personally. I asked him to. Frank is joining us when we go out on patrol tonight. Him and I work well together as a team. Can you set them up with a room? Preferably close to us girls' room." Aunt Bet said: "of course we can." Nancy said: "I'm going to show Frank around the ranch. Especially the big meadow." Uncle Ed said: "that's a good idea. We don't need him to get lost around here." Nancy looked at Frank and said: "wait here a second. I'll be right back." Then Nancy ran into her room and returned with two stetson hats. One white and the other black. Nancy put the white stetson on and walked over to Frank and put the black stetson hat on him and said: "there. Now you look like an honest to God cowboy. Come on." Frank chuckled and said: "I'm right behind you." Then Frank and Nancy walked out of the house and walked around the ranch hand in hand. They walked to the big meadow. Frank said: "is this where the phantom horse appears?" Nancy said: "yep. See those trees at the far end? That's where the phantom horse disappears." Frank said: "well. What do we know about the case so far?" Nancy said: "we have more questions than we do answers. Thankfully I brought my computer. We can call my Dad." Frank said: "let's go." Then Nancy and Frank walked back in the house and into the girls' room and sat down on Nancy's bed. Nancy grabbed her computer and opened it. She clicked on a contact and waited. While they waited, they took off their hats. A few minutes later Carson Drew appeared on screen. Nancy said: "Hey Dad. Guess who's here with me?" Carson said: "I have no idea. Who?" Nancy spun the computer around so Frank was visible on screen. Carson said: "Frank Hardy. Where's that rascal brother of yours?" Nancy spun the computer back to face her and said: "Joe is working outside with the ranch hands. I have Dave Gregory teaching him the ropes personally. Dad, we called you for some advice." Carson said: "I'll help you as best as I can." Then Nancy and Frank filled Carson in. When they were done, Carson said: "well, I don't have any cases going at the moment. So I'm free. I can fly out there tonight and get there tomorrow." Nancy said: "Frank and I will pick you up from the airport. Also, Frank and I are dating." Carson said: "I'm glad to hear that. Truth be told, I didn't particularly like Ned. Especially after Frank warned me. And then when he tried to kill me. Your friends didn't particularly like Ned either. I think you and Frank have more in common with each other. Does Joe know?" Nancy said: "nope. He walked out of the restaurant and left me and Frank to talk alone. He'll find out once this case is over. But not right now. Love you, Dad. We'll see you tomorrow." Then Nancy hung up. She looked at Frank and said: "do you think that Dad will come to the event tomorrow?" Frank said: "I'm sure he wouldn't miss it for the world. I know I'm looking forward to it." Nancy flung her arms around his neck and laid her head down on his shoulder. Frank instinctively wrapped his arms around her and held her close to him. Suddenly the dinner bell rang. Nancy and Frank pulled away and stood. Nancy grabbed a warm jacket and her stetson hat and a whistle and put it on. Frank grabbed his stetson hat and ran over to his and Joe's room and grabbed a warm jacket and met up with Nancy and they walked into the kitchen and sat down at the table. Bess and George were there too. Joe and the ranch hands came in a few minutes later. They sat down at the table. Dinner was an enjoyable affair. After Dinner, Nancy and Frank stood and shrugged into their jackets and put their hats on. Dave, Tex, Nancy, and Frank walked out. They mounted horses. Nancy and Frank rode out to the big meadow. They looked around. Frank said: "it's pretty quiet out here." Nancy said: "wait until the phantom horse appears. Then all hell breaks loose." Frank looked at Nancy and leaned over slightly in his saddle and kissed her. Nancy returned the kiss. Suddenly they heard a whistle. Nancy and Frank pulled away and looked. Then a glowing white horse appeared. Nancy grabbed her whistle and blew three short blasts on her whistle. Frank said: "what was that?" Nancy said: "it was a signal to Dave and Tex. Three means that the phantom horse has been sighted. Come on! If we hurry, we can track it." Frank said: "right." Nancy said: "kyah!" Nancy and Frank spurred their horses into action. Nancy pulled alongside the phantom horse and stood up on her saddle and jumped over onto the phantom horse and jerked the reins. Frank grabbed her horse's reins and tied them to the saddle horn. The phantom horse reared up and tried to buck Nancy off its back. But Nancy held on tight. She spoke soothingly to the horse and it calmed down. Then Nancy dismounted and pulled the Japanese silk off the phantom horse and let it fall to the ground. Then Nancy checked the horse for any sign of injury. She found several abrasions and led it over to her horse and mounted her horse and tied its reins to her saddle horn. Then Frank untied her horse's reins and handed them to Nancy. Nancy placed her hand on the phantom horse and gently stroked it. She said: "you're such a good boy." Then Nancy and Frank rode back to the ranch with the phantom horse in tow. The phantom horse was content to let itself be towed back to the ranch. Upon arrival at the ranch, they found a scene of chaos. Nancy looked at Frank. Nancy and Frank dismounted. Nancy untied the phantom horse from her saddle horn. Then Frank led their horses into the stables. Nancy pulled Dave aside and said: "Dave, the phantom horse isn't a phantom at all. I was able to restrain it." Dave said: "how did you do it?" Nancy said: "I pulled alongside the phantom horse and stood up on my saddle and jumped over onto the phantom horse and jerked the reins. This guy put up a fight. But I held on tight. He calmed down after I spoke soothingly to him. In fact he even let me tow him back to the ranch tied to my horse. Also, my Dad is flying out here tonight and will arrive tomorrow. Could Frank and I borrow your truck to pick him up?" Dave said: "sure. Question: why don't you use the ranch wagon?" Nancy said: "the last time I used that thing, Bess, George, and I got stranded in the desert and you had to come help us. I don't exactly trust the ranch wagon not to break down in the middle of the desert. If I'm going to pick up my Dad, I prefer to have a good, working vehicle instead of the ranch wagon." Dave said: "that makes sense. Tell you what. You can use my truck whenever you want. You don't have to ask. Here's the keys." Dave handed her the keys. Nancy put the keys in a pocket in her jacket and buttoned it shut. Nancy said: "what happened?" Dave looked around at the scene and lowered his voice and said: "we don't know. Mr. Rawley is checking it out now. Man, it's a good thing you brought your whistle out with you. Or else Tex and I wouldn't have known that something had happened over here. Thanks to your signal, we were able to hurry over here and sound the alarm when we found the scene. So, you managed to tame the phantom horse, huh? How?" Nancy said: "a good partner and good timing and saddle bronc riding. Dave, I checked him for any sign of injury and found several abrasions. Can you call the vet in the morning and have him come out to the ranch and take a look at him?" Dave said: "we can't make any calls. The wire was cut." Nancy said: "Frank and I will stop by the vets office on our way to the airport to pick up my Dad. Keep an eye on Shorty now more than ever." Dave said: "Nancy, I've been watching that guy. And something about him bothers me. I can't tell Mr. Rowley or Mrs. Rowley for that matter. But seeing as how we're both suspicious of the same man, I can tell you. You and your boyfriend. He seems like a trustworthy fellow." Nancy said: "he is. He and I have worked together on many cases before. Our initial meeting got off on the wrong side of the saddle. Him and Joe were searching for their Father and I was following some leads on stolen paintings." Just then Frank joined the discussion. Dave said: "Nancy told me what happened with you two and the phantom horse." Frank said: "I wasn't expecting it. I thought she would fall and get hurt. The most amazing part was when she got the horse to calm down. He put up a fight but Nancy held on tight. She spoke soothingly to the horse. He calmed down immediately." Dave said: "go get some sleep, both of you. We don't need two half asleep detectives working on this case. I'll come wake you two up in the morning." Nancy said: "sounds great." Then Nancy and Frank walked into the house and walked to their rooms and changed into pajamas and climbed into bed.

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