Chapter 4. Leck Mich Am Arsch!

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The car ride was silent as I rode in the passenger seat of Dieter's low-grade SUV

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The car ride was silent as I rode in the passenger seat of Dieter's low-grade SUV. The dent in the side made it hard to open the door, so he had to open my door for me from the inside. Tan interior matched well with the red exterior but didn't cover the mud stains from living out in the middle of the woods.

"So, vhy do you want to return to your apartment?" Dieter finally broke the silence of the dark car.

The large buildings cast a shadow as blinks of lights from the streetlamps flickered by as he drove down the empty streets.

"My cat," I said, looking from the window over at him. "I can't leave him with Roy."

Dieter shifted in his seat, pulling off to the side of my building. He pointed across me with his gross finger near my face. "Take the alley vnd go up to your fire escape."

"I know," I replied with an attitude.

"Royce won't be vhere." Dieter's words made me upset. "He left a few days after he villed you and hadn't returned."

"Of course he did," I said, shaking my head while opening the door. "I'll be back in ten minutes. Don't follow me."

"As you vish, Princess." I slammed the door, hearing him curse in the car as I walked away.

Seattle streets were empty this early in the morning. The mist in the air told me it was about to rain as I pulled my hood over my head. I strolled around the corner, looking up at my balcony. It was pitch black, with a tint of red beaming through the window. The little apple night light in my bedroom mocked me.

I looked around before sneaking up to the ladder. I jumped, trying to snag the bottom as the metal step was too far from my grasp. Annoyance filled my soul, huffing an icy breath. I glanced closer at my hand, noticing my finger was still missing. I gazed around to see if I could step up onto something when a quiet noise from a cat was meowing.

With my attention on where the crying cat was coming from, I walked, peeking around the other side of the building. Duff paced around the door that led to the stairs.

The thought of Roy leaving Duff outside boiled my blood. This man was digging his own grave as we know it. Slowly, I walked toward my baby when the door to the building opened. A woman with a bowl stepped up to Duff, crouching, causing me to hide behind a dumpster. As she fed him, her face looked up at the building light, showing me it was my neighbor from below.

I watched as she leaned closer to Duff, petting him until he was comfortable with her. She was whispering to him, telling him about her day. I smiled, hoping she had been watching him since my passing. Lost in the view before me until a hand gripped my upper arm, making me jump, hitting my head on the dumpster.

I looked over quickly to see Dieter crouching with me, spying on my cat and neighbor.

"Vhat are you doing, Red?" he whispered while looking over. "Who is she?"

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