~ thirty seven ~

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Harry and I were at Aunt Petunia's house after they had already left and we were just pa king up to leave too. There was a know on the door and we opened it.
Hermione wrapped her arms around Harry and Ron clapped him on the back, and then they both hugged me. Behind them were Fred and George, Bill, Mr. Weasley, Mad-Eye, Tonks, Lupin, Fleur, Kingsley, Hagrid, and Mundungus Fletcher. Harry led them all back into the kitchen as we all were laughing and chattering then they settled on chairs and sat themselves.
"All right, all right, we'll have time for a cozy catch-up later." Said Moody and silence fell in the kitchen. "There will be four of Emily and four of Harry like we said." Harry and I looked at each other confused as we didn't know what he was talking about. From inside his cloak Moody now withdrew 2 flasks of what looked like mud. There was no need for him to say another word; me and my brother understood the plan immediately.
"No. Absolutely not." Said Harry shaking his head.
"Woah there. No way we're doing that. In case shit does wrong it's too dangerous for all of them." I added.
"Like we haven't risk our lives for you already." Ron said. I nodded my head as he had a point.
"No. No. This is different."
"Everyone here's overage, Potter, and they're all prepared to take the risk." Said Moody and we just gane in. I put a few of my hairs in one flask and Harry in the other. Ron, Hermione, Fred, George, Mundungus and Fleur lined up.
Ron, Hermione and Mundungus took my potion and the others took Harry's. Ron, Fred, and George were shrinking; their hair was darkening, Mundungus was growing dark brown long hair. Fleur's appearing to shoot backward into her skull. Everyone became identical to us. Fred and George turned to each other and said together, "Wow, we're identical!"

"Bah," said Fleur, checking herself in the microwave door, "Bill, don't look at me—I'm hideous." I laughed and Harry just riled his eyes at me.

Everyone got partnered up with someone. Harry and I got Hagrid. I grabbed Marcus, my weasel, and placed him inside my zip up jacket. Hagrid's bike had a really large sidecar that could fit Harry and me. Moody gave us the green light and we flew.
And then, out of nowhere, out of nothing, we were surrounded. At least thirty hooded figures, suspended in midair, formed a vast circle in the midst of which the Order members had risen. Hagrid drove down to the street where all the cars where passing by. Four Death Eaters had broken away from the circle and were pursuing us , aiming for Hagrid's back. Hagrid swerved but the Death Eaters were keeping up with the bike, more curses shot after us. I looked back and cast a spell at one of them and so did Harry.

We didn't have a safe place to stay in until we thought of the Black house. We went over and just sat at the table talking about the Horcrux Harry and I went to get with Dumbledore before he died. Then we heard a noise behind a door there was. Harry opens it and out of it grabbed Kreacher. "You've been spying on us, have you?" Said Harry.
  "Kreacher has been watching." He said.
  Harry graves the locket and showed it to him he said it used to belongs to Regulus.
  "But there were two, weren't there?" Harry confronted. "Where's the other one?" And Kreacher denied knowing where the other one was.

  "Yes, but did you ever see it? Was it in this house?" Hermione asked him.
  "Filthy Mudblood! Death Eaters are coming... Blood traitor, Weasley." Said Kreacher.
  "Kreacher, don't make me shove my wand up your ass and out of your mouth. Today it's not the day, so you better answer her. Now." I said pointing my wand at him. I was so frustrated I couldn't hold back.

  "Yes. It was here in this house." He replied to Hermiones question. "The most evil object. Before Master Regulus died, he ordered Kreacher to destroy it, but no matter how hard kreacher tried, he could not do it."
  "Where is it now?" I asked
  "He came in the night. He took many things, including the locket."
  "Who did?" Harry asked.
  "Mundungus, Mundungus Fletcher."
  "Find him." Harry ores him and with that he disappeared.

  Hours later Kreacher had brought him in and with them came Dobby.
  "The Potter twins, so long it's been."
  "Dobby!" I opens my arm and he came in for a hug.

  Mundungus started to pull out his wand but Hermione took it away from him. "What you playing at? Setting a pair of bleeding house-elves after me."
  "Sit down." I demanded but he just stood there in front of a chair but didn't sit. "I said sit down, you midget."

  "When you turned this place over, don't deny it, you found a locket, am I right?" Questioned Harry.
  "Why was it valuable?"
  "You still got it?" Hermione asked.
  "No, he's worried he didn't get enough money for it." Said Ron.
  "There I was, flogging me wares in Diagon Alley... when some Minisrty hag comes up and asks to see my license. Says she's a mind to locke me up. And would we don't it too, if she hadn't taken a fancy to the locket." We asked who it was but he didn't know. Then he looked down to the floor and picked up a newspaper there was. "Well, she's there. Look."
  I took a look at the paper and, "fuck, it's  Umbridge." I said.

The Potter Twins》Draco Malfoy《  BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now