-sighs- people

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"People change, things go wrong. Shit happens but life goes on"

So...... okay at some point we heard the words "you lied to me about who you were" or "you're not the same anymore what happened to you? and a lot of times it's a whole list of crap and stuff that follows.

Look, you are going to change. It's what happens in life, you don't expect to be 18 yet with the same mentality and attitude you had when you were 3, it doesn't go that way, sorry.

But it irks me when people say stuff like "Ew she's so fake now, remember how she used to be so sweet and give us stuff for free? Now that she knows Eric she suddenly thinks she's the shit" or " I heard she can really talk, she just became mute cause nobody wanted to be her friend cause she does some wierd voodoo ritual thing" No. Just No. Stop it.

Don't get me wrong, Im not saying it's not right to try correct others when they're wrong but when you start belittling others and saying shit that has no evidence and is claims? thats when we have a problem sweetheart.

Let's not be hypocrites, if you know you were using someone because of what they offered that had you benefiting and they find out, don't act so surprised when they change. You triggered that, obviously no one wants to be taken advantage off and as basic self-defense we'll change that nature that got us hurt in the first place.

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