Chapter 44

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(How's Kamari feeling)

Kamari was in a dark room. Cold hearing nothing but the air blowing outside.

He Is laying in his back, looking up to the ceiling.

"I knew something was off about that bitch" He said to himself.

He turnd the TV on because he was tried of hearing nothing.

"Reporting live from 11th Ward street. We have Maria Rodrigo and he 3 brothers shot dead in front of San Jose corner store. We are sending her loved ones our prayers. Back to Tyler" the news reporter said on the TV

"Fuckk" he yelled as he threw the TV on the ground.

(How's Jayda feeling)

Jayda is sitting in the hospital with her sister.

"Hey you're okay?" She asked Tati as Tati woke up.

"Yeah I'm fine. Just ready to get out of here. I hate hospitals. This the second time I've gotten shot. Still can't belive that Trey didn't come to see me" Tati said.

"Yeah the only people that's been up here have been me, k3, Shaun and von" Jayda said.

Tati just started to cry due to pain and feeling overwhelmed

Jayda was there to confront her.

(How Shaun feeling)

"Mane fuck we gon do?" Shaun asked Kamari as he walked into his room

"Who the fuck it could've been besides Maria and nem" Kamari as he drunk out his white cup filled with something exotic.

"Shit only if I knew bruh" Shaun said shaking his head.

(Her parents)

Her mother was in labor. Her due date past but her water broke the night she got shot.

"Ahhhh" Momma Kay said as she pushed harder.

The baby finally popped out and it was a girl.

"Omg it's another girl. I wish my older baby is alright" Daddy MT said as he called tati but it went straight to voicemail.

"I really wished she was here. I hope we don't lose her" Momma Kay said she began to tear up.

After everyone dealt with their pain separate everyone decided to Come to the hospital all together for once.

They spend time talking with Tati and tried to make her laugh instead cry.

The most emotional one and the most one that was going through it was Kamari.

He bare losing another person he loved. First it was his mother and now he hope it's not Tati that's he's gonna lose next.

[Last one for tonight. I'm tired. I love all yall thoooo]

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