"Gollum will sing bagginses a song!
🎶I's wasn'ts jealouses befores we mets
Now every hobbitses I sees ises a potential threats
And I'mses possessives, it isn'ts nice
You'ves heard me sayings that smokings was my only vices
Buts nows it's isn'ts trues
Nowses everyfings is newses
Ands alls I've learnedses has overturnedses
I beg of Bagginses
Don'ts go's wastings your emotionses
Lays all your loves on Gollum
It was likes shootings a sitting duckses
A littles small talks, a smileses, and baby I wases stuckses
I still don't knowses what you'ves doneses withs Gollum
A growns-ups Gollum shoulds never falls so easilys
I feelses a kinds of fearses
Whens I don't haves you nearses
Unsatisfieds, I skips my prideses
I begs youses, Bagginses
Don'ts goses wastings yours emotionses
Lays alls yours loveses on Gollum
Don'ts go's sharings your devotionses
Lays alls your loveses on Gollum
I'ves hads a fews littles loveses affairs
Theys didn't last verys long and they've been prettys scarce
I usedses to thinks I was sensible
It makeses the truths even mores incomprehen-hen... sibles
'Cause everyfings is newses
And everyfings is Bagginses
Ands all I've learneds has overturnedses
What's cans I do'ses?
Don'ts go's wastings your emotionses
Lays alls your loveses on Gollum
Don'ts go's sharings your devotionses
Lays alls your loveses on Gollum
Don'ts go's wastings your emotionses
Lays alls your loveses on Gollum
Don'ts go's sharings your devotionses
Lays alls your loveses on Gollum
Don'ts go's wastings your emotionses
Lays alls your loveses on Gollum! 🎶
Did Bagginses like Gollums sing song?"