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aaliyah's pov

I've been ignoring Billie for the last week. Which hasn't been hard because I took off work this week because of finals, so there hasn't been any chance of seeing her at all.

Finals schedule is weird at school so I doubt she even knows what time to come up here to try to pop up on me.

During this time away from Billie I realized that we really just don't need to be together. I already knew that but I wanted to make us work, because I love her. Part of me still does want to make us work and just go running back to her but I know that if I do that, nothing will ever change.

Billie does not respect me at all and she has no respect for our relationship. And after a while I just can't do it anymore. I'm tired of crying over her, I'm tired of her embarrassing me, I'm tired of her talking to me crazy, and I'm tired of her hurting my feelings.

Loving someone shouldn't hurt this much.

I blocked her number.. again. And blocked her on all social media.. again.

I can't believe I even thought that I could give her another chance. I'm so delusional.

Everyday of this week I've been crying myself to sleep because I keep second guessing myself. I know Billie has the potential to act right and get her shit together, but she never will if I'm around her. She needs to heal from her trauma and deal with her issues on her own.

I can't stay in a emotionally draining, verbally abusive relationship all because of potential.

Me and Billie have had more good times than bad, and more highs than lows but I just can't do it anymore. I want to stay with her so bad and just say fuck it, but I want her to change more. I love her enough to know that we aren't right for each other.

And she knows it too, whether she wants to admit it or not.

I sigh and get up, making my way to the bathroom so that I can get ready for school. Today is Friday meaning it's the last day of finals. I only had Finals in a couple classes so I wasn't really even at school this week. But I've been taking all my spare time to study for the tests that I do have.

I have 3 finals, one for English, one for Chemistry, and one for Pre-Calc. The only one that Im nervous for is the Pre-Calc final because Calculus is hard as fuck.

Once I'm done washing my face, I look in the mirror just staring at myself.

I'm too pretty to get treated the way she treats me.

Man fuck her.

I giggle to myself before leaving the bathroom deciding to go bare face today.


I look down at my phone and see that Im an hour and a half early which is perfect. Today I have my Calc Final so I need all the extra studying that I can get. As I start to walk on campus making my way to one of the side doors of the school, I look up and see a familiar Dodge Challenger.

I didn't even have time to react before the window was getting rolled down revealing yours truly.

I don't know how this bitch found out my schedule but at this point it doesn't even matter. She did the one thing I was hoping she wouldn't do.

I even took the side door, through the teachers parking lot just in case her crazy ass was parked by the main entrance.

And I'm here a whole ass hour early.

I roll my eyes ignoring her and speeding up my walking to try to make it to the door.

"Girl if you don't bring yo ass over here."

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