('∀`)April Fool's Headcannons('∀`)

676 12 8

Started: 27 March 2023

Published: 1 April 2023

Edited: 2 April 2024

AUs: Mostly modern AU

Genre: Fluff and Angst (only some)

Warning(s): Almost all of the prank ideas are from Google :D and also some are ridiculously long while others are short so... don't come after me- Xiao's and Zhongli's parts were written on my phone so apologies if those parts are weird, I'll fix them later

A/n: I'm only doing 10 characters coz 20 is too f***ing much to write in 5 days and it's the reader trying to prank the character so... (I'm going to have so much fun with this 😈). Some of these are plain evil and some are harmless.

𓆝 𓆜 ––––———–––––———–┊⁀➷𓆝 𓆜 ––––———–––––———–┊⁀➷


✧ Okay, the prank that you've decided to do is just plain evil but you can't get it out of your brain so you used April Fool's as an excuse to do it

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✧ Okay, the prank that you've decided to do is just plain evil but you can't get it out of your brain so you used April Fool's as an excuse to do it.

✧ About your prank... You asked none other than your boyfriend's own sister to help you with the set up.

✧ On April Fools morning, you sent Aether off to buy groceries but as soon as he was gone, Lumine barged in on cue. The both of you then put your master plan into action. Putting a man's shoes by the door, some random clothes and bag on the couch, a half cooked meal on the stove, spraying cologne everywhere, basically leaving a bunch of traces of 'another' man in the house.

✧ After the set up is done, you headed into your and Aether's shared bedroom to put on the final details on yourself. As soon as you saw Aether's car pull up the driveway, the plan had begun.

✧ As expected, Aether knocked on the door for you to open because you had secretly taken out his keys when he went out. Pretending to shuffle around and slamming your closet which has Lumine in it loud enough for Aether to hear, as well as hissing: "Shh! Hide! Don't let him see you!", you opened the door hastily.

✧ Acting as if nothing happened, you grabbed some of the groceries from his hands and went to the kitchen. Meanwhile, Aether took note of someone else's shoes by the door and an unfamiliar bag that seemed to belong to a man's on the couch. Confused, he went to the kitchen to question you.

✧ "Darling, whose shoes are by the door? Do you have a guest over?"  "Hm? No... Anyway, could you please get me a hair tie?"

✧ The way that you avoided his question made him suspicious but he didn't say anything else. Pondering to himself, the unfamiliar belongings didn't belong to him or any of his friends made him even more suspicious. But then, Kaeya's drunken words from yesterday popped into his mind. "Mmmhmnm... don't you think Y/n is acting weird lately...? M-*hiccup* maybe she's cheating on you... haha! I'm joking, I'm joking!" 

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