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"I really don't remember much." I told the officers again. "I was passed out half the time!" That was a lie. "The bullet only grazed my heart tissue! The doctor said so!" So was that. I don't go to the doctor.
I shout desperately at the four officers standing on the other side of the table. I played with my slightly curly blonde locks of hair as one of the officers growls, making me flinch "The building was set on fire. Your body was the only one that was supposed to burn!"
I look down, not wanting to explain that I had enveloped myself in water from a nearby (now destroyed) water faucet in a nearby (now flooded) bathroom. I force a tear to slide down my cheek "you officers are supposed to save people! Not make them feel bad about being alive!" I screech.
About an hour later, I was let out, thankfully.
I replayed the shooting in my head. I was at a store. I don't know what the name was. I was getting shampoo cause I just ran out last night. A man came in. I didn't know he had a gun. Apparently he did.
Hey it's me! First chapter! Feedback?

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