Doug's birthday part 2

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I would like to thank KamalalovezDoug 4 her help with writing this

Doug- "what would you like for breakfast, thank you for making me breakfast in bed"

Kamala- "you're welcome, and we will finish what we started at nap time, and I would like pancakes with sausage, almond milk and coffee"

Doug smirks "can't wait, and I will go and start breakfast, call me when you need when they need to be burped and I will come and help"

Kamala- "thanks Honey"

Doug gets up from their bed and goes into the kitchen to start breakfast. "Lexie, Bella, thank you for sleeping in longer this morning, and we have a few surprises for Daddy today for his birthday, I know we don't agree on sports teams, but Daddy loves the Lakers and the Dodgers, and we like the Giants, and the Warriors, I know Daddy will love the presents you got him, and today we are all going to go your 1st basket ball game, Auntie and Uncle Tony are coming with us"

~15 minutes later~

Kamala looks and she sees Lexie has unlatched, Bella's is still nursing.

Kamala yells "Dougieeeeee I need you"

Doug- "I'm coming Honey"

Doug dries his hands on the towel that is on the stove, and he turns off the stove.

~Kamala and Doug's room~

Doug comes into their room, "who would you like me to burp"

Kamala- "Lexie, and here's her burp cloth"

Doug comes and sits next to Kamala on the bed, she gives him Lexie and she snaps her strap, she looks and Bella has unlatched, she snaps her strap and she picks Bella up and she puts the burp cloth on her and she starts to lay Bella on her shoulder, when she heard Bella burp "Bella you burped all by your self with out Mommy's help, I'm so proud of you, you learned something new today"

Bella smiles "Ma, "da, da, da."

Doug- "Bella, how about we go and get our diaper changed, and then we will go in the family room for tummy time"

Bella- "da, da, da."

Doug picks Bella up and he waves her hand, tell Mommy we will see her in a few minutes"

Kamala- "Bye Bella, Lexie is going to get her diaper changed as well and she's going to have playtime with you while Mommy and Daddy eat breakfast"

Doug and Bella leave and go into Bella and Lexie's room and get her diaper changed, "Honey, what are Bella and Lexie going to wear today"

Kamala- "since it's your birthday, you can pick out what Bella gets to wear, and I'm going to pick out what Lexie's going to wear"

Doug- "okay, we will be in the family room after we get dressed, and breakfast is done, it's on the counter"

Kamala- "okay, I will be in there as soon as Lexie burps and I change her diaper and get her dressed.  Kamala has the burp cloth on her shoulder and she puts Lexie on her shoulder and she rubs her back, Lexie burps a few minutes later, "that was a good burp Lexie, let's get your diaper changed, and get you dressed"

10 minutes later...

Kamala, Bella, Lexie are all in the family room.

Lexie's outfit she's wearing, outfit that Bella is wearing

Lexie's outfit she's wearing, outfit that Bella is wearing

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