Two | Puppet

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Y/N's POV:

I woke up, my head hurting like hell. I opened my eyes, I could only see through my right eye. I quickly tried to get up when I realized where I was but I failed. I looked down at my body to see why I couldn't get up and walk.
I gasped at what I saw, I saw that I'm now missing part of my right leg and my left hand and blood stained my clothes and the floor.

I reached up with my right hand and tried to feel my face, I then felt your head and then I hissed in pain and when I touch it I felt some blood rolled down my face from my head. I tried to get up again, this time I was lifted up into the air, I looked down and saw that I was...
I was floating!! I then started floating through the air and I went to the door.

I went through the door. Then I realized something... The only way I would be able to float or go through doors or walls would mean... I'm dead. I looked down in sadness. I felt tears escape my eye. I continued floating, looking around at my new 'home'.

I sat down in the corner and started crying in sadness. I didn't want to be dead. 'Why, why me? What did I do wrong?' I thought as I cried, making small whimpers. "Hello, Child..." I heard a voice say. I looked up, and saw the puppet. I didn't answer. It sighed and came closer to me. "I wanna give you a gift." It said.

"What kind of g-gift?" I said in a small voice. "The gift of life, being reborn in other words." The puppet said, holding a small gift box. I took in a deep breath, "Possession." It randomly said, I looked at it blankly. "You can possess an animatronic. I'll let you choose which one you will possess." It said.

"...How about...Mangle?" I said, looking up at the puppet. "Okay. Mangle it is then." It said, handing me the gift box. I grabbed it weakly with my right arm. I looked at the gift box then up again to thank the puppet. But when I looked up, it was gone... It disappeared... I sighed, I looked back down at the gift box it handed me and opened the box.

Everything went black again...

- Time Skip -

I woke up, laying on the ground. I looked around where I was, I saw that I was no longer where I was before I blacked out. I looked around more and I figured out I was now in kids cove. I looked at my body to see if anything changed, and..
I saw that I was not myself anymore...
I was now a broken up animatronic.
I was Mangle now.

A/N: I know this chapter is really REALLY short but I'm really tired and it's like 2 am on a school day and I need S L E E P. I'll try to update tomorrow or something idk. Depends on how I feel though. I know this is already shitty so I'm sorry. So yeah- bye. 👋

Words: 541

Golden Freddy(Cassidy And C.C/Evan) X Reader Where stories live. Discover now