Eight | Evan's death

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Evan's POV:

I saw Y/N bite into the security guard Jeremy's frontal lobe and my eyes widened. I gasped and covered my mouth, I teared up a little because it reminded me of my traumatic death that I remember still till this day clearly. Tears started streaming down my face as I saw Y/N run away. I look at the other missing children, their eyes were wide too and some of them was covering their mouths too.

They started to talk amongst themselves as I was to the side, breathing heavily as tears streamed down my face. I started to try to control my breathing and not think about it right now. I looked in the direction Y/N ran and I wiped my tears and tried to calm down as I started to walk towards where Y/N went.

Y/N's POV:

It was Evan. He walks over to me and sits down next to me. "Y/N... Are you okay?..." Evan asks me with a concerned face. "N-No! I'm not! It's all my fault! I-" Evan hugs me, cutting me off. I was silent for a moment before hugging back, I started to cry and sob more. Evan let's me cry into his shoulder. "Do you hate me...?" I asked as I was still sobbing. "No, I don't hate you... Look... Y/N... Can I... Can I tell you something?.."

I nod. "Well... Do you want to know how I died?..." Evan asks. I thought for a moment before nodding. "Well..."


It was the year 1983, it was Evan's 10th birthday. And he was going to Fredbear's Family Diner. He wasn't very excited at all, he was very scared of the animatronics because his friend Cindy(the red pigtail girl) told him a rumor that they roam around at night and kill people. But Evan had to be there all the time because his dad was one of the owners and founders of the place.

Evan was wearing his normal attire, his black and grey striped T-shirt with a pair of blue jean shorts, and a pair of black shoes. And his brown hair was messy and fluffy and has blue eyes. He also had a yellow and purple party hat placed upon his heads. He held his Fredbear plush tightly as him and his family walked inside of Fredbear's Family Diner.

His little sister Elizabeth, who was 3 at the time was jumping and excited. She loved going to Fredbear's Family Diner. Elizabeth has curly strawberry blonde hair and green eyes, she wears a pink button up and a blue skirt, and she has a pair of socks and mary jane flats. And there's a pink hair bow in her hair.

And then his older brother Michael, who bullies and scares Evan, Michael has his arms crossed and frowning. Michael was a asshole teenager. Michael has brown hair that's similar to Evan's and blue eyes, he wears a sleeveless grey shirt with a pair of dark blue jeans. And he has the Foxy mask he uses to scare Evan in his hands.

And Evan's dad William, is very stern and cold, he is wearing his purple and black suit, his brown hair is neat, unlike his sons, and blue eyes.

And he looks very professional. And then Evan's mother is very fancy, her strawberry blonde hair is tied up into a neat bun, and she has green eyes. She wears a elegant green shirt, paired with a long elegant black skirt. And has a pair of black high heels. Her jewelry sparkled, and her makeup was perfectly done. Her lips has some red lipstick on, with purple eyeshadow and pink blush. She holds her purple purse in her hands.

Their mother was fairly a good mother but sometimes very neglectful of her children, the child she gives most attention is Elizabeth. Mainly because Elizabeth is a girl and also looks just like her. She wants Elizabeth to become a dancer or a singer like her, or maybe even an actress. She wants Elizabeth to become one or all of those things. She wanted Elizabeth to be the perfect golden child too.

They enter the family diner. It was filled with children and parents. Evan sees his friend Cindy(the red pigtail girl). He goes over to her. Cindy has brown skin, she has red hair tied into two pigtails, she has an orange shirt and a red shirt, and she has a green bracelet on her wrist. She was very nice to Evan and always defended him. She was his best friend. And she has beautiful green eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2023 ⏰

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