Chapter 3

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We were both sweaty when we retreated from the crowd and moved toward the kitchen in another part of the house. Jeongin held me softly by the hand while he navigated us through the maze of people and different rooms. Us both being a bit inebriated just added to the experience. We passed two rooms on our way to the kitchen, one looked like a studio, a bunch of instruments hung on wall mounts and speakers were put up in all corners of the room. A few posters decorated the walls along with some quite a few tv screens. In the back of the room I could see some equipment I just assumed had to do with dj-ing or something similar.

The next room looked like a home gym. It was a relatively small room adorned with mirrors on all walls as well as some racks with dumbells and three treadmills. Some yoga mats and a few bigger machines I didn't know the name of.

"Wow" I whispered under my breath as we passed through

When Jeongin finally opened the door to the kitchen I was blown away by how pretty and sophisticated it looked. White cupboards with a dark marble counter island in the middle of it. Big windows framed by thin white curtains. He gently let go of my hand and sighed.

"There" Jeongin said with a relieved smile

"Finally some quiet" he added and leaned on the counter beside the fridge.

With some difficulty I hopped up and sat down on the island opposite him. The coldness of the marble against my thighs made me suck in my breath.

"Do you get tired of all that noise easily?" I carefully asked, suppressing a hiccup

Jeongin shifted a bit and played with a ring on his pointer finger before he placed his pretty hands into his jean pockets.

"A little, I tend to play along but sometimes my battery runs out faster than usual" he replied with a sloppy shrug. The alcohol still affecting him.

"aaaah, social battery huh? I know how you feel" I answered and awkwardly tried to move my dress down that had ridden up my thigh when I sat down on the island.

When I looked back up I could see Jeongin staring intensely at me, or rather my thighs.

After a few seconds our eyes met again and neither of us could look away. I was entranced in his dark and enchanting eyes. And he in mine. We stayed like that for a moment before I broke out in a laughing fit. The quietness and awkward silence got to me. I folded and held my stomach as I kept laughing. Since I was a bit more unsteady than usual I almost fell off the island. Luckily Jeongin caught me before I could and he started laughing loudly too. He kept himself standing by holding the edge of the marble top on either sides of my legs. I didn't mind his closeness, I was too busy laughing my ass off.

And either way, he smelled really good.

When we both had calmed down Jeongin hadn't moved from his previous position in front of me. He looked up after rubbing his cheeks from the pain of smiling and met my eyes yet again. His eyes shifted from my mouth back to my eyes a few times

"Can I kiss you?" Jeongin suddenly asked in a hoarse voice, barely louder than a whisper

His words threw me off and my heart fluttered for a second, my surprised face evidently made an impression on him in a negative way because I felt him start to move away. I quickly grabbed the collar of his shirt and pressed his lips onto mine. I didn't know if it was the alcohol or not that made me do it but all I knew was that his warmth felt so good. His soft lips against mine made me feel dizzy.

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