The call

999 76 31

The Same Day..,

After talking with Joong , Boun walked to the corner room then opened the door then looked at the bed then saw Prem already awake then sitting on the bed with looking down..So Boun sighed with extreme sad face then slowly walked to inside.. Even His foot steps can hear loudly because of the silence, Prem doens't checked to know who that is and keep stayed like that without even a glare... And Boun felt his heart gonna explode when he saw again Prem's exhausted face and marked Body...

But he didn't showed anything then quickly walked to Prem then stood beside his bed and slowly touched Prem's forehead to check the fever... And the fever was still in high and his forehead still burning like a tea pot... So Boun quickly took the fever tablet from the table with a bottle of water then slowly walked back to Prem then sat infront of him... Boun saw Prem still not daring to look at him... So Boun looked down with controlling his tear which is about to fall from his eyes then quickly opened the water bottle's cap then quickly stretched at Prem..

Boun : Have this tablet Now.. Your fever getting worse..

Boun looked at Prem who still staying silently...So he  slowly stretched the tablet Infront of Prem's mouth....but suddenly Boun shocked when he saw Prem's tears falling down  at his lap one by one.. So Boun shocked and looked at his face with extreme teary eyes then  looked down at Prem's hand which is staying on his lap then slowly held his palm.. So it Made Prem's tears running even  more and More .. And More Boun saw Prem's tears he tightened his grip like he assuring him that he will be with him No matter what...

Boun : Baby?!

The sudden regular call hit on Prem's ears and  looked at Boun with extreme teary eyes and Boun looked at him back with the same way.. None of them didn't talked at all but their eyes started to  talk with Millions of apologies and the forgiveness....So slowly Boun cupped Prem's one cheek with his hand then wiped Prem's tears with his thumb.. So by the single touch Made Prem broke out his sorrow hardly and he cried infront of him.. so Boun quickly pulled him to his chest and started to  crying with him with saying Many Sorry..

At the same time, Joong walked to the same room then looked at the closed door.. So without opening it wider, he opened it slowly then peeked at outside then shocked and at the same felt extreme happiness too when he saw Prem sitting with leaning his head to Boun's chest and Boun hugging him back with ruffling Prem's back of hair softly like a Console touch ...Joong can see their  Both eyes have tears but this time, Joong felt a relief when he saw their togetherness again and his eyes got teary also... So he slowly closed the door with a smile then walked back to outside to let them live the moment sometimes..

Then that whole day and Night Boun let Prem sleep calmly and with or without the tiredness Prem slept aswell...And Boun was beside him without moving a Muscle and be with his baby boy till Morning with holding him closer on his chest...

Then the Next Day Evening..,

Joong waiting inside his car infront of a luxury hotel...

And looked at Boun who talking with the receptionist

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And looked at Boun who talking with the receptionist.. so he sighed and  leaned on his seat with looking outside.. suddenly Boun came back then got inside the driver seat then locked the door..

Joong : Got it?

Boun : Mm.. reserved a room for a Month...

Joong : After the Month, What will you do??

Boun : I don't know any of that.. But I Won't let Prem stay that Fuc*i g place  longer... He needs care now..Much care... Mentally and physically...

Joong sighed and looked at his face when Boun said that..

Joong : But the problems is still not solved Boun.. How you gonna manage your Dad and his anger over Prem?

Boun : Told you Joo! I'm not thinking about that now.. Now i need my old Prem back.. If i make him stay there too long, He will be gonna mental.. So we should bring him here Today itself.. Leave that other cases Now... You should be with me..

Joong : I'll be with You Boun..

Boun : Okay...Um....Should I drop you at your home?

Joong : No it's okay.. drop me at the street.. I'll walk.. Prem needs you now.. So don't waste time..

Boun : (( Smiles)) Okay....

Boun slowly started the car then slowly drove from there.. but suddenly, His phone rang from his pocekt.. so he slow down his car then quickly took his phone then saw his trustful guard Jacob's Number on the screen..

Joong : Who?

Boun : Jacob is calling!

Joong : Took it..Maybe Prem Asking about you to him...

Boun slightly smiled Eventhough he felt weird then Quickly answered the call...

Boun : Hello? Ugh? Wh-- WHAT!??

Joong shocked when he heard Boun shocked voice and saw some tension flashing on  Boun's face.. Suddenly, without saying anything Boun cut the call then started to driving his car in maximum speed and Joong quickly held the side seat holder with an extreme confused face ....

Joong : Boun what happened?? What did he said??

But Boun didn't answered anything and continued driving with still in the Maximum.. So it Made Joong More tensed and curious...

Joong : Boun What are you doing?? Just slow down Man.. Say what happened?? Is Prem okay?

But again Joong got a complete silence from Boun...But Joong can see Boun's tears running from his corner and Boun wiping it with his  shoulders again and again with beeping the car  horn frantically at the vehicles which is coming on his way and Even Joong terrified that Boun gonna break the Horn with his power beat on that thing... Suddenly the car stopped infront of the long traffic Jam and Boun shocked and beeped his horn frantically...

Joong : Ughh Don't you see the Traffic Boun?? What the hell happened to you??

Suddenly Boun looked at him with extreme teary eyes then slowly he started to crying with looking  Joong shocked when he saw it then quickly held Boun's shoulder. 

Joong : Boun what happened?? Are you okay?? Why you crying??

But Boun didn't Said a word at all and kept crying hardly...So Joong felt extreme annoyed and high  tension too...


Suddenly Boun looked at him with extreme teary eyes...

Boun : (( Tears)) D..Dad is there Joo!

Joong : Ugh?

Boun : (( Tears)) My Dad ... Is with Prem Now and He will gonna kill him..And... And I heard Prem's screaming sound too.... (( Crying))

Joong shocked when he heard that and he felt his head started to spinning by the shock .....So quickly he understood why Boun behaving like that early... So His eyes got teary and looked at the long traffic with extreme shocked face...

Joong : God!!!


I know it's short.. I'm sorry...

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