Act 1

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Nature's gifts are truly wonderful.

You sat by a creek, the calming water trickling and the grass flowing where the wind blew. You're glad to have found this place. And you only knew this place–well, you were the only one who went there, and it felt as if it was meant to be yours.

You hummed quietly while the birds chirped, a song that you heard in a play. You couldn't recall the lyrics–but you could remember the melody, a hope for romance. You held a sketchbook with a pencil at hand. You were almost finished with your drawing. Your subject was a random tree that you found interest in. Although it was the same as the other several trees that surrounded the place, there was something that connected you and that tree.

You have yet to find the connection.

Ding!... Ding!...

You got startled! You felt that your notebook was not within your hands anymore, so you looked down. You clenched your fists and realized that your notebook fell to the water. Sighing, you picked it up. It was the bell from your home, meaning it's time for lunch.

You groaned and started stomping back to your house. You walked through the tall grass that reached your knees and your walking caused your dress to get mud splatters. The creek wasn't as far from your home, just a minute walk.

The view while walking wasn't so interesting, right now, at least. But during the sunrise and sunset, it was magnificent that you could cry and dance like a drunk fool.

Once you reached the porch, the door opened. "Oh, [Y/N], I was just about to look for you." It was Amber, your housemate. You nodded and clutched on your wet notebook. "Oi, your boots are muddy–change your shoes before you get inside," said Eula, who was walking around inside. You couldn't see her but you could hear her nagging clearly. If you were asked who would nag you the most, your mother or your housemates, it would definitely be your housemates, specifically Amber and Eula."Right, right." You muttered.

You sat down on the ground, taking off your boots and switching to flats. "What're you holding?" Amber asked, as she pointed at the wet object you held. She rang the bell once again, calling for Collei–another housemate of yours. "My sketchbook; it fell into water by accident."

"Oh, I'll dry it for you." Amber stated. You shook your head. "It's fine, I'll do it myself after lunch." You glanced at the field and saw a figure running closer to the house. "I wonder where that girl goes," Amber asked. "Speaking of that, did you go into town and dropped that notebook in the river?"

"No, I'd avoid town; too many crooks." You remarked. You stood up and started walking inside. Once you saw Eula, you formed a smug grin. Eula wasn't the type to wear fancy–well, expensive, actually–clothing. She was practical, and she never goes overboard unless she has to. Still, she'd usually look fancy by wearing a simple duster. But as she cleaned around the house, she wore a silver necklace with diamond earrings. Her dress had beautiful floral embeds.

Before you opened your mouth, Eula spoke, "don't you dare say anything about what I'm wearing. I had a long day."

You giggled and sat down. "Understood, Captain of the Reconnaissance Company!" You said, imitating those announcers you heard from the royal palace.

The door closed with Collei and Amber on their way to sit down on the table. The table had plates of food, wooden mugs for each of you, wooden plates, and of course wooden utensils. You kept wondering why Eula and Amber didn't buy silverware, when they had the money to buy them. You nod when the thought of Eula declining to buy silverware when they had what they needed already.

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