Togheter till the end "Hunger games saga poem"

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This is a poem i made thinking about peeta and katniss of the hunger games saga <3 !!


Scared to death as the odds choose its path , with you by my side , we will win this I bet , heart shaking , the whole world staring, waiting for us to make a move

Were just strangers , with a little history , a burned bread, a life for a life. A world full of hatred I wonder if we can bring peace to fight for a diffrence" here it all start lets make shure they remember us "  an arrow through A pig "thank you for your consideration i said"

Victory is ours " i dont want to forget us at all .. Words spreding fast " convince me it said " at war we go again !!! Protect you i will , togheter we will stand , cross stars lovers till the end. I still remember the moments we shared, where you asked me, lets not leave thjs cave.

Tik tok tik tok , the big clock bangs its happening again .. Wide oceans and hardships , Im saved your not , damaged I am but ill get you back and take you to 13 were I hope we will be


If we burn you burn with us ! We will fight till our last breath, freedom will reign on us , blood will be spilled a revolution will take place I'm the singing bird you thought you killed

The tracker jackers left there marks i dont even know who you are , come back to me i beg .. My love my friend , i cant sleep if your not beside me , the nightmares it haunts me , all alone now we stand , remembering simpeler days when asking for yoir favorite color was the only care. everybody may be dead ,.. But togheter we rule the war is over peace at last ... sunset orange in the back of my head.

Strange things did happen here no stranger would it be if you did not meet me under the hanging tree

Humming your favroite song i remeber your name , no war or rose can break our bond, nightlocks were close to our lips, dameged we stayed , haunted in our dreams , but in your arms there is peace , our of springs run througj the midow and i remeber Rue.

togheter till the end ..

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2021 ⏰

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