Bonus Episode: Chishiya

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"I see a stranger in your eyes

where I once saw a soulmate

it breaks my heart"

Hospital. Chishiya spent the second half of his life there. First just taking the place in, observing its habitat. The living beings in it. The doctors, nurses, every other worker, then the patients, the visitors. Watching their every move, to get an idea of how life flows here. How they interact, and what their place, and job in this symbiotic relationship is. All the information he would need later when he would be part of it all. All he could use later to his advantage. And he did. When he became a resident, while everyone struggled in the new situation, not knowing their place as a soon-to-be doctor, he excelled. Stood beyond all of his past classmates. He was perfect in it because he had what others' lacked. To watch effectively and adapt the learnt information to his own situation. To not only focus on what it meant to be a doctor but see everyone's little part of it in it.

And that skill of his, came in handy when he woke up after the meteorite hit. In a hospital bed, he didn't expect to see himself so young. It was weird to be on the other side. To be the one who needs to heal, not the one assisting the healing. Listening to the doctor explaining the situation to him, as he did many times before to others. It was weird to take on a completely different role. But he had his knowledge. He knew his place, he knew what he had to do to heal properly and quickly. To lessen his hospital stay as much as possible. Knew what being a patient meant and how he shall act and behave, what he shall do, so the flow of life in the hospital would not be disturbed, benefitting everyone in it.

First, he had to listen. Listen to his doctor's advice, listen to the nurse's suggestions, and listen to his own body. Follow the laid out steps, obey and do what he was told so.

Be positive. Having a positive attitude, in general, was something that benefitted your life, mood and being. But in healing, its effect was heightened. To believe in healing, to believe in the effectiveness of the treatment, to accept the lasting consequences and see how your life still can be full even with them, and if so to accept the unavoidable death, and live the rest of your life to its fullest and leave without regrets and fear.

And lastly, company. Chishiya was not necessarily an extrovert. But whether you are one or not, we all need some kind of companion around us. And when you are in a hospital, locked inside walls, a prison that you cannot leave, the distraction of another being becomes crucial. To forget and to make your stay enjoyable.

He followed his rules from the start except for one.


That role was taken by no one for a while since Chishiya's roommate seemed to like to play Sleeping Beauty and Chishiya didn't feel like he was in the state to wander around. Sleeping Beauty was a permanent nickname, Chishiya gave him in his head. He quite liked it, since it was fitting for the situation. Sleeping since he was in an unconscious state, and Beauty because what little he saw of his face, was quite to his liking. He could be the princess of a tale and Chishiya the Prince who with his true love kiss would save him. Silly thought, a joke to make himself laugh.

He started to think about what kind of person he could be, where he lived, and what he worked for. If he had a family, lover, or friends. What he liked, what he disliked. He made up small stories and created theories of him. As if he was a teen girl in love. Chishiya wasn't in love, he was simply bored. A hospital room could only hold a limited amount of things to observe. The silence deafening, the walls slowly closing in around you, as you have nothing productive to do. Leaving you with only two options, to sleep or to think. And Chishiya was a thinker. And His roommate happened to be the only mystery, besides the hit, for him to dive in.

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