Silent Taps

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Tap. Tap. Tap.

Quick fingers ran miles on the wooden table. A nervous tick followed by shallow breaths. A heart working overtime, blood pulsing through, painting the porcelain in a light flush. Words stuck in his lungs, even before he attempted to utter them.

Tap. Tap. Tap.

Small taps humming a continuous melody, fingers playing the music of rain.

Niragi always hated phone calls. He could not explain what was the cause of it but there was something to it, that made it unbelievably terrifying.

He contemplated not doing it.

'I could just send a text' he thought. But the voice caged in his heart couraged him to pick up his phone and dial the number.

That was the easy part. Clicking on the numbers one by one. Even a small child would be able to complete the task But then he arrived at the difficult tasks. Clicking on the call button, wait till they pick up. And if they did, he needed to talk to them. Talk without his voice trembling and his mind shattering, leaving him as a rambling mess with coagulated words leaving his mouth.

Could he do it? Could he?

Tap. Tap. Tap.

His vision blurred from the continuous stare. From the unwavering fixation on the button. Small green sign, blinding, tempting, calling him. Eyes watering up, in an attempt to bring back the life to his arid gaze. Tears formed but not from sadness, not from the stress, but from determination, that was forming in him.

Tap. Tap. Tap.

And then they stopped abruptly. The silence was like small feathers, falling down slowly, first comforting, then suffocating as it covered him up.

'Just press it dammit'

And finally, he did. The phone lit up with the word 'calling'. His breath caught in his throat as he watched it ring. Like a never-ending tone, an endless sea of sound, drowned by humm, pulled down by arms made of cords.

And it rang and rang, continuously. As if he got caught up in the loop of time. Repeating the same minutes again and again.

And then silence.

'call declined'


It was well into the afternoon when Niragi's phone buzzed, letting him know of an incoming call.

All too many hours after he attempted to reach Chishiya. Attempt that as we know, ended rather unpleasant for him.

And as one does, Niragi let himself walk down the steps of self-pity and depression. Dwelled on how maybe, just maybe it was too late for him to call and Chishiya didn't want to talk to him anymore. (Forgetting the fact completely that Chishiya had no way of knowing it was him calling) And how maybe, just maybe he lost his chance to find out what a future would be like with Chishiya in it. Even if for a short amount of time.

His mind was lost in his sorrow, in his defeat. So much so, that he almost didn't notice the small vibration that travelled through his bed, reaching his body. Like a small touch, like a soft voice whispering 'pick up'.

The phone soon was lifted up from its soft cushion, the screen now visible to Niragi's eyes, revealing the mystery person on the other line.

It could have been anyone.

It could have been Asahi, calling him to check up on him or to invite him out. Or maybe simply calling him to chat, to tell some small, minor detail of his day that he deemed 'must be heard by Niragi'

Our hearts collide once again (Niragi X Chishiya)Where stories live. Discover now