Crazy girlfriend

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When we arrived at the beach, we saw a lot of people in garden of one cafe.

We went there to find someone we know. I knew some people this time, but still not that good so I can hang out with them. Instead, I just let Camila talk, while I was drinking my drink and enjoying the music.

I got bored, just standing there and listening to Camila's stories. I wanted to dance with someone.

"I'll go to find someone to dance with!" I said to Camila and walked away.

I tapped some random guy on the shoulder. He turned to me confused.

"Hey, do you want to dance?"

"How can I say no to pretty girl like you?!" he said with a smile. I smile back and took his hand, dragging him in the crowd.

"I haven't seen you here before." he said.

"I don't go out often."

"What made you to get out tonight?"

"My best friend."

"May I know your name?"

"Tamara! And you?"

"I'm Chris!"

Chris is a cool guy. We danced and had fun for like 2 hours. We were also drinking a lot...

Pablo's POV

Since Pedri had to go with the team for a few days, I was now alone and free. So I decided to go out on a party. Pedri asked me to keep an eye on Tamara. He knows about Sarah and about her jealousy. So it was a problem for me. She would be mad if I got near other girls.

We started dating two weeks ago. I have known her for a while, but ever since we started dating, I saw how toxic is she. She doesn't want me to be near other girls, even my mom and sister. That's weird and so stupid if you ask me. Although no one asked...

I wanted to tell Tamy, but something was stopping me from that. I don't want her to know about Sarah...or I don't want Sarah to know about her, because I know what she would do.


As I said, I came on the party with Sarah. She went to her friends, while I stayed with mine. I was there for like an hour, then some girl came up to me and hugged me around my neck. She was drunk...

"Hey cutie! Are you in for a dance with a pretty girl?" she asked smiling.

"I'm sorry, but I have a girlfriend..."

"I'm sure she won't mind... Come on pretty boy! Are you scared?!" she asked with a smirk.

"I'm not scared. But as I said I have a girlfriend that I love!"

That was a lie. I don't love Sarah that much. I don't know why am I even in relationship with a girl like her. I don't like toxic people.

"I don't mind, you can love me too..." she said and leaned in to kiss me, but I pulled away.

Suddenly, Sarah appeared and pulled girl's hair.

"Bitch, what do you think you are doing with my boyfriend?!" Sarah yelled.

"Ouch! Who do you think you are to talk to me like that you witch?!"

"I am his girlfriend! Now fuck off, before I kill you!"

"And what if I don't huh?! What you gonna do about it?!"

"You are done!" she said and jumped on her. They broke in a huge fight, pulling each others hair, punching each other... A lot of people gathered around them. I pulled Sarah away, while someone took the other girl.

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