38|Part II

35 1 0

Xenia Butler

I had snuck out through a different route than I did yesterday. The electric power back at the house was fine, and there was no alcohol in my flask, in fact, I didn't even have a flask with me at all.

Lesson learned: it was best to avoid drinking for courage because it would only lead to overdoing it and embarrassing myself.

So I had definitely opted to come with a clear head. Meanwhile, Joanna had been in her room, snug due to her period, while Les had departed with Ivan and most of the men for some activity. I left smoothly because the house was deserted, without needing to cause a commotion. I just used the gates, without informing Joe nor security of my whereabouts.

Currently, I stood by the roadside, waiting for Mr. Tough Guy to arrive. He was always tardy, yet quick to reprimand me for the same fault.

I became increasingly frustrated, subtly trying to recollect the events that had unfolded on this ground just twenty-four hours ago. It was too tempting to resist immersing myself in the memories, but I succumbed to the excitement until I spotted his car.

Unlike yesterday, he didn't arrogantly spray dust on me with his tires, nor did he come out and strut imposingly towards me. Instead, he simply wound down the front passenger window and leaned forward so we were face-to-face.

His jaw was set in a sexy, commanding manner, and his stare was intense, almost erotic. He flexed his left hand on the steering wheel, adding to his allure. A subtle curl of his lip hinted at a coy smile.

"Hop in," he said, which left me confused. Did he want to talk in his car instead of out here in the cold like he'd done yesterday?

It wasn't a kind gesture to fluster a hopeless romantic like me, but for a man like him, it was more than romantic.

I cautiously yanked the door open and slid inside, not allowing myself to relax fully, but feeling relieved when he didn't bark or shoot daggers with his eyes. I avoided meeting his gaze. Despite warning myself not to, my mind drifting into memories of Alesia, my cousin.

The videos I'd seen just hours prior made my stomach twist.

I pondered whether Romano still aligned with his superiors after seeing it or if he now grasped Ivan's perspective. Or whether he'd seen it before and didn't care a darn. After all, he hadn't shown any signs of surprise in his text. Was he like the others who relished in such twisted indulgences, or did he possess something unique to soothe my soul?

Romano didn't seem enthusiastic, but then again, when did he ever show excitement? He appeared distant, prompting me to inquire, "Did you receive my message?" It mattered to me to discuss his stance on the videos that I could barely stomach.

I knew that he had seen the message, as his reply to schedule the rendezvous came shortly after I sent those videos. I knew he was aware, yes, but I still wanted to delve into it.

He nodded briefly, eyes narrowing slightly in concentration."You know I did."

Returning his nod, I averted my eyes. "And?" My fingers nervously fidgeted with each other. "What are your thoughts?"

Whether it was shame or anger that caused his demeanor to harden, I couldn't discern. All I knew was that he didn't want to talk about his feelings on the matter and wouldn't entertain my probing. "Seat belt," he said quietly, shifting gears to drive.

"Where are we going?"

My gaze remained fixed ahead, confusion constricting my throat until my words were a stutter. He had made it clear that I couldn't be seen alive, so there were only a few places I could be in this area—unless, of course, he was trying to finish me off.

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