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Romano De Rossi.

Xenia was safe now. Thank God.

Ivan wouldn't leave alive if he had tried to take her from me. That I knew.

The revolver in my grip, its cold metal almost touching his arm, made him flinch away. Smart move. I was seething, on edge, ready to shoot. I'd become unpredictable.

Showing up at my doorstep unannounced was a mistake that hit every nerve. Humiliating my sister in front of me sealed his fate. I watched him, calculating, waiting as he dared to touch her again.

"Aldo, this way," I growled, expecting the boy to come to me. Ivan tried to hold him back, but I kept my gaze fixed on him near his mother, unwavering.

"He'll watch his mother whore herself for me."

What a sick fuck. I tsk'd, acknowledging that only a really sick fuck would have sold his nieces to mad men.

"What do you want?" I pushed off the wall, tension coiling in my veins. If I didn't intervene, he might degrade my sobbing sister before everyone, and worse, violate her. "We know your daughter was killed by someone here, but she's not the one you're after. You can't punish Bianca for Amato's sins. Understand?"

"I don't want to understand!" His voice cracked with desperation. He circled Bianca again, gripping her skirt at the slit. With a forceful tug, the fabric ripped apart.

I turned away momentarily, maintaining my diplomatic stance. "The TIF doesn't condone vigilante justice."

Morelli stewed in his corner, a mix of confusion and anger brewing. He remained silent, perhaps waiting for this to resolve itself, or patient to understand the brawl before actually taking out Ivan's brain matter.

But then Amato, that old fool responsible for the crimes we were now answering for, had the gall to speak up. He spat out, "There's no law greater than the TIF's. Watch yourself, boy!"

"One more word, Amato," Ivan's gaze locked onto Rossi's, finger jabbing toward Amato, "...one more word from your consigliere, and your daughter pays the price."

Rossi, despite his own dark deeds, couldn't bear to see his daughter mistreated in front of his comrades. His steely gaze warned Amato to keep silent. He took a few purposeful steps forward, positioning himself between his daughter and the man who dared to threaten her.

For the first time in my life, I witnessed Rossi act fatherly towards his child. Though I wasn't the one in the face of his fatherly feelings, witnessing it dished out to my sister brought a strange satisfaction. At least he was doing something.

With a submissive gesture, hands raised above his head, Rossi pleaded, "Leave her alone. Take me instead. Punish me, but spare my daughter. I'm a father, just as you were—"

"Don't play that card!" Ivan cut Rossi off, the barrel of his machine gun striking Rossi's face, leaving another bruise. Rossi winced from the blow, but I remained unmoved. There was no emotional connection between us that could make me feel the pain he endured.

"I will take you, your daughters, your son, your don, every last one of you. You know why?"

Rossi shook his head. He didn't know.

"Because I fucking can." Ivan laughed hard again.

Morelli signaled for my attention. I didn't move, merely tilting my head to meet his gaze. Amidst his fury, I caught a hint of a conflicting expression.

A faint smirk from me reassured him that the situation was manageable. We needed to stay composed. Xenia would come through. I trusted her.

Looking back to Ivan again, I began, "You want her," swallowing my pride. "And you want her too." I pointed at Emilia, who hadn't moved from her spot, tears streaming down her face. "What else?"

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