Chapter 2

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Hey guys! I personally think the first chapter is btr than this one but thats just my opinion. I hope you enjoy this one and pls comment!

Jade woke up to the smell of fluffy, buttery pancakes sizzling away on the stove. A memory crept into her mind. Scarlett, who'd just recently moved into Jade's neighborhood, would sit up and complain of not getting enough sleep. Jade, never one to back down, would complain that Scarlett was the one who had begged Jade to stay up late with her. The two teens would race downstairs and enjoy stack upon stack of Jess Taylor's famous homemade pancakes. They would gossip and talk and giggle. They would jump on the Taylors' trampoline or take a walk in the park across the street. Sometimes, if they were feeling really energetic, they would volunteer to play with the little children at the daycare down the block. But that was the memory of Jade's old life, a happy life. Of course, there was none of that anymore.

Jade shook the memory from her mind. It was hard though, seeing that all her room was was a collection of momentos of her and her three best friends. There were pictures, cards, gifts too. There was the volleyball trophy she had won with Kendall on her team. There was the still wrapped perfume she had been planning on giving Scarlett for her upcoming birthday. There was the vibrant, green bracelet she had had since she was a kid that had a twin somewhere up in Autumn's brightly colored room. In a fit of rage, anguish, and even pure madness, Jade shredded, tore, crumpled, smashed, and disposed of all the painful reminders she had. She then turned on her heel and closed yet another door. Except this one would need a lock because she couldn't completely get rid of all her memories of Autumn, Scarlett, and Kendall.

"Jade! You need to be ready to leave by 10:00!" Her mom called up the stairs. Receiving no response, Mrs. Taylor started to grow worried, and she had absolutely every right to, considering everything that had happened in the last couple of hours. "Jade?!" She raced upstairs and covered her mouth in shock at the mess that lay all over her daughter's room. Everything was ruined. But what shocked and worried her more was her daughter's face. She of course expected her to look sad, solemn, and quite pained. Instead, she was met with the same blank, dazed expression Jade had been wearing for the past two days. It was like she wasn't even human anymore. Cold, numb, lost, a machine. Not wanting to break down in front of her only daughter, Jess swallowed a sob and led Jade downstairs and into the kitchen.

There they were. The heavenly, dainty little pancakes were sitting primly in a neat little pile on a plate. Jade fixed a disbelieving stare at them. Just one day ago four girls had sat around this table, not one, chatting about their plans for the day and gobbling up every tasty morsel they could. Jade's eyes narrowed and grew hard, willing every nerve in her body not to cry. If they, no she, had suggested someplace different to go to that night, things would be all right. They could have gone anywhere. The movies, a theme park, a freakin walk in the park! Anywhere. Anywhere but the mall.

While her mother's back was turned, Jade scraped as much food as she could into her napkin. Then she threw everything out after Jess went upstairs to "check on something" (aka dry her eyes and fix her makeup after letting a few tears slip down her cheeks). How could she eat anything after what happened? She didnt deserve to eat one of her, no their favorite foods. She didnt deserve to eat anything.

During the car ride, an uneasy strained silence filled the air. There were so many questions Jess wanted to ask her daughter. There were so many answers Jade wanted in return. But she willed herself not to speak and tried not to think. As always though, thoughts kept penetrating her mind. It was especially hard when they passed the massive middle school towering before them, which happened to be the place where Jade, Autumn, Scarlett, and Kendall had all attended. It also happened to be the place where Jade had literally bumped into one of the best friends of her life.

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