Figuiring Him Out

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On Friday ,March 8, a SHIT load of drama went down between Andrew and I! I only see Andrew in the hallway before 3 period, during lunch, in English, and sometimes after English class we walk together. We hardly talk to each other because something always happens to one of us, but for some reason Andrew still wanted to talk to me.

Before 3rd period, we pass each other in the hallway. Whenever we pass each other in the hall way he would walk close to the other side of the wall *example*>> | x gjsbj y dje | << he's 'x' and I'm 'y', but for some reason Friday he was closer. *example* >> | hsbaka x y sje | << oh yeah he was super close to me, so I put on my happy face, nodded, and said "Hi." in a shy way. All he did was nod his his head, he knew I was there but he didn't want to fully express it. Who knew that lunch would make everything so weird.

So during lunch I always sit with my friends at this table across Andrew's table, it's kind of creepy how I didn't know he was sitting there until I started liking him though. My friends were trying to get Andrews' attention by screaming "HEY GIGI" and other embarrassing stuff without success so we started to talk about hot actors! After we had finish talking about Spider-Man, since he is super hot, a boy named Ariel from Andrews' table started talking about him. Ariel isn't a guy you would easily get along with, he is SUPER racist, unless you were white. So after I pointed out to my friends that Ariel was eavesdropping on our conversation my friend screamed "HEY PRINCESS ARIEL!" And that's when shit got real.

After the princess Ariel comment I thought it was time for him to get a taste of his own medicine! I told him that he shouldn't eavesdrop on our conversation since our tables are separate! While I was yelling at Ariel I noticed that Andrew was trying to look at me, so I kept scooting out of his view so he wouldn't see me have a fit, trust me I didn't want Andrew to see me yelling at people. Of course Ariel and I were the only people yelling in the Cafe, I felt so isolated from the school that I began to calm down because after that fight I realize that a lot of people were looking at me. Andrew left after the fight with his friends. I thought I scared him off because I always tried to portray myself as a super sweet down to earth girl, but of course ARIEL had to mess that up. For the rest of lunch I sat at my table in shame because I thought Andrew would hate me for yelling at his friends. I was totally wrong!

After lunch is English class, the only class I have with Andrew, and today we were in the computer lab with assigned seats lucky we were two seats apart. Andrew came into the class room a minute or two after me and he went directly to the teacher. At the time I thought he was asking her if he could move away from me because of what happened at lunch. I sat in my seat silently looking at my turned off computer thinking about how to apologize for my behavior when all of a sudden he sat down and apologized!

He said "I'm sorry for how the people at my table treated you. They can be like that at times." with a solemn expression. All I could think of at the moment was "Awe he actually did care about me."

So I got up and was about to move to this empty seat next to him when all of a sudden my friend, Savannah, said "Whoa Gigi I need to sit there to print something out since my computer isn't working." I guess I was looking at her in disbelief because she said "Don't worry after in done you can sit with your boyfriend!"

I was so mortified that I moved away from the seat with the sign of defeat on my face, but of course I couldn't just simply go back to my unused computer. Julie HAD to speak her mind and when she did she said "Did you guys go on a lunch date?" I swear I wanted to die from COMPLETE embarrassment and it didn't help that Andrew was sitting there looking at me as I started to breathe like a fish that didn't have any water.

After the first few minutes of class I tried to redeem myself by trying to talk to him, but somebody would always interrupt my attempt so I stopped trying till we had 3 mins of class left. As everyone was packing up and Logging off of their computers, Andrew was listening to guitar covers from YouTube. So I approached and said " What are you doing?" with a stupid 'I can't believe you're still on the computer' look.

Then he looked up at me, smiled, and said "I'm listening to some covers. Do you want to hear?" As her said that he handed me an earbud, I took it because I actually was interested. He was listening to a cover of Stairway To Heaven by Led Zeppelin, which was about 8 mins long just like all of his other songs. While I was listening to it I tried to avoid making eye contact with him because I didn't want to make it awkward. So after a minute of listening to the song I took the earbud out and said "WHOA... That's a good song! Hey are you going to cover that?" he likes to post guitar covers on Facebook, he's really good!

He said "Nah because it is really hard." So I said "And very long" as I started to walk away from him. Everyone started to pack the exit so we Andrew and I were standing really close to Escher but not talking. When the bell rang he went out the door first but today he went right instead of turing left.

See Andrew has class on the third floor next period while I have chorus on the first floor and our classes are on opposite sides of the school! I would walk with him sometimes after class because I would want to talk to him, and he would always go left! Though today he when he went right it was obviously a sign that he wanted to walk with me, so as we were closing the space between us, my friend Sissy came in-between us and started asking him questions. Either it was my eyes playing tricks on my but he looked disappointed when Sissy got between us! As we continued to walk in the hallway I noticed that Andrew was moving to my side, which was adorable because I totally meant that he wanted to walk with me!

After he came to my side it was time for all three of us to split up to go to class! TADA! That's All Folks! Does it sound like he likes me? I NEED FEED BACK PEOPLE! Tweet me at: @GreysonsTheKey!

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