Chapter 7-DRAGON?

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(A/N Again I'm so sorry for not updating in almost a full year. I can't really promise updates often due to my personal life, but I will try to keep up with updating this.)

(I've just realized I didn't make a guide for the different texts so here it is now.)

"This is mind link. Typically when Eli is in his draconic form, but could possbly happen in other forms."

Anything typed like this is a creature from different types of lore.

Typing like this is the voices in Elis head. As in the others he can change into.

Typing like this is Eli talking in his head or talking to the voices.
                                The Cave

In my smaller form I can see better. I look at the boys and see really small particules of blood spotting around their mouths. I chortle again about this.

"What's so funny little one?" David inquires.

"In this form I can see a lot better then in my bipedal form. I happen to look at the four of you and saw really small spots of blood around your mouths. Which, honestly shouldn't shock me, but it does." I look up at him and tilt my head a little. The boys chuckle.

"I mean we did just eat not too long ago. So how long can you be in that form?" Marko asks, curiosity lacing his voice.

"Well seeing as I was born in this form I can stay like this for a while. Like years. It's more a choice to take or leave this form. However, it's more gruesome to leave this form then staying in it." That gets questioning sounds from everyone. Surprisingly even from Luci and Harlott.

"Eli what do you have to do to go back to the bipedal form?" Dwayne worryingly asks me.

"I have to peel the scales and the skin to get my bipedal form back." That gets a couple of disgusted sounds and some worry sounds. "Honestly it's not as bad as it sounds. Really."

"Then if it's not as bad as it sounds then fucking change back. Or are you to chicken shit to change huh?" I jump off David as my body starts to grow a bit bigger. The form changing from a wyvern to a drake. My little wings moving to the middle of my back and meld away as if they were never there and I grow front legs. I countinue to grow till I'm about the size of a Great Dane. My claws on all four paws get thicker with the newest formation.

"Girl you need to stop questioning me. I have told you I won't hesitate to kill you. I was not lying. I am not the person you want to anger. My clan would very much have killed you by now, but I am trying to give you the benefit of the doubt. I can see that you think I am stealing the boys from you, but the reality is. THEY. WERE. NEVER. YOURS. To begin with. You need to cut your losses and get over it you bitch." I growl menacingly. "The only reason I have not changed back to normal is becuase I have to settle this side first before I can truly shift back. I could hurt myself or worse if I tried to change back after changing to this for the first time in decades or even centuries." She scoffs at me then chuckles.

"Oh is that your excuse. I don't really see what the big deal is. Like cool you turn into a lizard. What's so special about that." I growl as venom drips from my canines.

"What is special is that one bite from me will kill you instantly. It doesn't matter if you are a baby vampirette." The venom dripping onto the floor sizzles and creates a hole. "If you keep this up you won't be alive by the end of the night." I chortle again, but deeper and darker then when I was in my smaller wyvern form.

"You think you are so big, bad, and scary. Yet, you have yet to try anything on me. I'm not scared of you because you make empty threats. All I have to do is go feed on someone and I could easily kill you, you whore." The boys whip around looking at her, all of them growling at her own empty threat.

"If you think that my 'threats' are empty. You have another thing coming for you. Those were never threats. They were promises." I walk closer and closer to her. The vemon dripping from my fangs drips increasingly faster. "I meant what I had said about killing you. One bite and it is all over. You seem to think that I don't keep to my promises, but I do."

"You might want to leave now. Mischief doesn't take kindly to people who threaten him while infront of those who he cares about as he doesn't want to hurt them if they get to close to whoever he plans to kill." Luci's voice rings threw the air that moments before only had the sizzling sound of vemon, tapping claws, and growling coming from 4 very anger vampires and 1 pissed off creature.
(A/N thank you for being patient with me on this. I know at the beginning authors note I stated I might update often, but with changes in my personal life pretty soon I'm certain that I'll be updating more and more. Until then have a good morning, afternoon, or night!)

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