Chapter 5-Maybe A Little Crazy

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August 20th,1986

The wolf thinks back to the 4 men it had incountered during its last meal. They had smelled amazing. Maybe they knew, but that's unprobable as they seemed more confused when they had seen the wolf a few hours ago. It had chosen to sleep in a cave that it found when it first got to this little town. A cave it now called its den. Whinning softly wishing it had its mate and pups on the way.


Luci and Harrlot's Home

I look at the older couple.

"So I found my mates. They are the vampire biker gang you had told me about." The both of them look at me with a smile.

"We had hoped it was them. I'm glad you had found them, but it's daytime. Aren't you supposed to be sleeping? So you can be with them during the night." I sigh softly.

"I'm only still awake because I'm trying to figure out how to tell them both of my secrets." I look down at the stuffed rabbit in my arms playing with its long soft ears.

"You mean the little side of you and that you are known as a creature? We could help if you would like. With the creature part at least. They know we are witches, so they wouldn't attack us if we are around you. Unlike that Star girl, she's not equipped to be a supernatural creature or being." I nod my head.

"Yes, please. I would appreciate that very much." They smile and shoo me off to bed so I can get some sleep before nightfall.


The Boardwalk Nightfall

I look around to see if the boys are terrorizing someone or just sitting on their bikes and looking for me. Harrlot taps my shoulder then points near one of the food booths. I see David and Marko with Laddie and, unsurprisingly and sadly, Star. I smile and start walking towards the food booth they were at.

David looks up as we get closer and smirks at me.

"Hello little one," his voice and pet name make my head a bit lighter and wanting to curl up on his chest and not move for hours. "I see you've met Lucifer and Harrlot. How are the 2 of you?" I look up at him as I hug him.

"We are good David. Eli had asked us to help him tell you and your pack brothers what he is." David looks down at me and then back at them and nods his head.

"Dwayne and Paul are looking for weed and some booze. Marko and I are getting food. So after all of that has been gathered we can go back to the cave." Luci, Harrlot, and I nod our heads. "Little one," I look up at him. "Are you okay with Star and Laddie being in this conversation." I smirk evilly.

"YES! I want her to see why she shouldn't mess with me or mine." I hug him tighter and closer to me as I glare and growl at her. She scoffs at my behaviour. He chuckles and nods his head.

"David! Dude, look what we found!" He's holding 4 large bags that smell like weed. Dwayne is holding 2 bags that look like they have at least 50 single shots each. I giggle seeing Paul excited and Dwayne smiling about their successful bounty. "Oh look Dwayne, David found short fry!" He runs up setting the bags on the table and scooping me up in a bear hug that sees me laughing loudly as people walk by glaring at us. I don't care about the looks that are given to me by anyone other than my mates.


The Cave

I look more at the things in the cave unlike last time. There's a shelf with different music genres. Many posters around the main room. There is a spot set up for Laddie and Star. The couch doesn't look comfortable, but really it is. Obviously there is Davids wheelchair throne. The water fountain that isn't a fountain anymore. A boombox next to the fountain. A table that is easily accessible by both the couch and wheelchair.

"What do you think of the place short fry?" I smile and look up at Paul.

"I like it. I'm not a fan of a lot of the music you have, but I do like Twisted Sister." He hums in thought and then smirks and nods his head.

"Why don't we all sit down and relax so we can discuss what Eli wants to tell all of you." Luci's voice carries in the spacious room. I immeadiatly run over to David and sit in his lap and curl up on his chest. Star just got next to the chair and growls pathetically.

"What do you want bitch? I thought I made it clear I don't want you near David. He doesn't even fucking like you. You ungreatful cunt." She huffs angrily.

"I have known all of them longer then you have and you think you have authority in this place. You are very fucking mistaken. Get off Davids lap he will always be mine." I growl threateningly. I get out of Davids lap and wrap my hand around her neck.

"You shall never talk about David or the others as if you actually cared about them. I have more authority here then you ever will. I have told you once I am capable of killing you. I have no mercy for people like you. I will kill you slowly and painfully and laugh all the while the light in your eyes get dimmer and fucking dimmer. Do I make myself loud and fucking clear?" My claws start to dig into her skin as she tries to pry my hand off her neck. She doesn't say anything and just continues to glare at me.

"You are batshit insane and it's getting on my nerves. Let me go right the fuck now." I shake my head.

"I may be a little crazy, but I at least know when my advances aren't reciprocated. Unlike you, you ugly wench." Harrlot then clears her throat and gains my attention.

"I think it would be best if you set the girl down and sit back in Davids lap and let him calm you down." I drop and then push Star away from David and I, then go and sit back in Davids lap and cuddle closer to him.

"Okay first off we want to tell you what he is." Luci starts off and then he looks over at Harrlot.

"Eli is known as a creature. They are typically called dragons. That is the form that they take when the are first born and stay this way till they get their 2nd aspect. Their first aspect will be the name they go by when they are with others of their hoard or surrounding hoards." Harrlot continues.

"Eli hasn't told us his aspects, but he is quite old and might have a few hundred of them. Each aspect allows a creature to use the powers that surround said aspect. So if one of Eli's aspects were death he could simply touch someone or speak said word or words to kill someone. If the aspect is of a different creature, such as sirens then the person with said aspect can sing like a siren and can lure men and women alike to fall in love with them or be easily killed by that person." Luci looks over at me and I nod my head.

Thankfully they know what they are talking about because neither of us would be able to explain this better.

We could have just shown them.

That wouldn't be very helpfully. The boys would just think we are a werewolf or some other kind of shapeshifter. I here a grunt in agreement by the voice.

(AN-I will be updating this story when I can. Specifically on days that I will have off of work.)

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