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March 25th, 2023.

It was a boiling hot day on the city of Sitges, Spain and Seungmin was a victim to the heat. His shirt was now stained with his own sweat, he was sweating from head to toe, and the fact he had sandals was definitely not helping. He could feel the hotness of the sand through his sandals and all he wanted to do was take a dive in the beautiful sea, but the heaviness in his hand reminded him that he had to do his job. He looked out to the sea once again before having to leave to go to the restaurant.

Ever since Seungmin was little he always loved the beach. He loved the tangy yet sweet smell of the beach, the summer vibes he got from it, the way his parents would bring him every summer to the beach and he would just play without a care in the world in Korea. Now he was 22 years old who can still play at the beach just with some responsibilities.

"Ponte a trabajar niño!"
(Get to work kid!)

Ah shit. He then got into action and got the well cooked fish, poured some tajin in it with a lemon on the side.. yeah that was it. All he did was literally just put tajin on the fish and some lemon on the side. Boring right? Well he had to do it for another 2 hours before he got his break and it was basically just muscle memory since you have to do it once the food gets to you. After the long infuriating 2 hours of pouring some tajin on the fish and putting lemon on the side, his hands were sore. He was on his side on the counter peacefully waiting for the fish until "Ey chamo, why are you still on your side of the counter?" His mate said. Now he was just confused. "De que estás hablando?" Seungmin quickly responded. "Tu no- we have an early day off kid"Oh. Well he didn't need to tell him again cause the second he heard him he got his bag and sprinted off.

(De que estas hablando = what are you talking about?)

"Thinking back to it, it was embarrassing to say the least," Seungmin said. He only realized when he got home the email that he got a mail SAYING that he got an early day off.. he sighed and closed the mail box. He walked up to his house and opened the door, hoping to at least smell some food, If he was a main character in a book he would be smelling a delicious feast or maybe some apple pie that he was craving for but his luck wasn't good. Now to think about it, Seungmin's luck had never actually been good. He sighed yet again and went in, not really wanting to think about the topic of his luck for now. He wanted to clear his mind after thinking for so long. He looked around and saw his hairbrush on the counter and he immediately took it, assuming he needs his hair brushed since it feels out of place. While brushing his brown hair he wondered how nice it would be to go to the beach. So he got his priorities straight and started brushing faster, and while brushing he somehow got his clothes on the same counter he got his brush from. When he felt like his hair was nice he stopped brushing and undressed into beach clothes, he took his cap, and with that, he sprang out the house like a madman.

"This place.. it never really fails to suprise me," Seungmin said.

The scenery looked absolutely stunning. The sun was shining and the water was blue, he never wanted the image out of his mind, he wanted it to be stored forever in his memories. He took off his chanclas and ran to the water, since the sand was already burning his feet, He jumped in and the coldness of the water perfectly balanced the hotness of the sun, everything felt perfect. He shifted his weight to be floating and it felt like heaven. Nothing to worry about, the salty scent, and the fresh air was literally making this heaven. He seriously took his place being so close to the beach for granted.. it was a blessing for him. He kept floating and floating, he didn't notice when he went that far from the shore. When he felt that he was satisfied enough he opened his eyes but he was only met with the sea, that was when he realized he was fucked. He looked to his left and saw a cave, the sun was blinding him so he couldn't see that well but he just knew he wouldn't like to die alone so he swam to the cave. He swam and swam until his hand touched the bit of the cave and he lifted himself up onto it. It was a dark place with barely any light but the opening. He inhaled and exhaled suddenly realizing how he was stuck there unless he swam back, and thing is he was not doing all that, so he just sat there, just staring into the opening. He started shivering after 1-2 minutes. He was about to curse his ancestors for his bad luck but that's when he saw a orange thing around the corner of his eye. He immediately turned around to look at the weird thing but it was gone.

"What the fuck?" Seungmin yelled whispered, perplexed at what he just saw.

He heard something shift and turned around again to where he heard it but he definitely didn't expect the jump-scare he was getting. A boy with blonde hair staring back at him with beautiful fox eyes but the way he was staring at him made him jump.

"Que- what are you?" Seungmin questioned, Just as the pretty man in-front of him was about to open his mouth he felt something hit him on the side of the head and he felt his consciousnesses slip away.

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