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(The letter)

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(The letter)

You watched as Quinn walked down the halls of McKinley with her new punk look. Her hair was cut up short and was pink, her makeup was a lot more messier as were her clothes. It was hard to describe but in a way she looked breathtaking.

You didn't really know if it is just because it's Quinn in general or the new found confidence she had as she still made the students of McKinley part like the Red Sea when she walked down the hall.

You're fellow glee club members however didn't seem to be to happy with this new side of Quinn and in a way you understood. This wasn't Quinn and everyone knew that but people have to change in many ways and go through phases to finally settle and know where you stand and who you are.

Last year you had went through a phase of thinking you were straight when in reality you were as gay as they came. You thought you had done a pretty good job at hiding how you were a lesbian but when Santana called you out on it you obviously had been wrong.

Now, of course when Santana called you out on it, you called her out on her not so subtle behaviour either.

It was last year in New York you had told Quinn in a letter that you were in love with her but you hadn't realised it until she had gotten back together with Finn. It pained you to see her with the boy but you could only be happy for her.

Quinn never really gave you any answer and that's because she apparently just took off from what Rachel had told you. Yes, you had Rachel give Quinn the letter because if anything you wouldn't want to be there if she turned you down and you had been right to.

Rachel had told you that she opened the letter then ripped it before putting it in the bin which only shattered your heart even more. Seeing Quinn now brought back that slight bit of pain but also anger for not even having the decency to talk to you about the letter or anything like it.

Quinn looked at you and only sent that famous smirk of hers your way. Now that made your blood boil. To think she could do that after New York really wanted to make you hit her a good few times. Enough to get an answer and maybe some sense knocked into her while you were at it.

"What's gotten into tubbers?" Santana asked coming up beside you not taking her eyes off Quinn and even checking her out from behind "are you seriously checking her out right now?" Santana scoffed as she glanced at you unconvincingly.

"Fine, it's not my fault she's got a nice ass" she admitted which you could agree with. "What happened to her that made her go all like this though? This is so not Quinn" you hummed in agreement with the Latina "that's what I'm going to find out" you said before taking off down the hall in the same direction as Quinn.

𝐓𝐄 𝐀𝐌𝐎  ➩ 𝐆𝐢𝐟 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now