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Razor's eyes widen in shock. "BENNET??" He rushes over to the boy, passed out on the sidewalk. He shakes him trying to get him to wake up, but nothing works. "L-Lisa?! Please anyone help Benny!!" Razor keeps shouting for a few minutes before a knight runs up to him. "Sir are you okay?!" He looks over to see the unconscious boy and gasps. "We need to get him to Barbara immediately!" The knight jogs over and picks up Bennet. Razor just stares, wondering what's going to happen to him...


An hour later, Barbara was just about to finish patching Bennett up. He had not awoken...which had worried her. He had nasty cuts and scars all over his body, along with visible signs of an eating disorder. The poor girl couldn't help but cry when she saw this, because Bennet is her best friend and she didn't know this was happening. Lisa had come over when she heard the news as Barbara explained everything to her. "...That's why there were signs all over him..." She sighed, "I'm so sorry this happened...I should have done more to check in on him..." Barbara just frowned and told Lisa it wasn't her fault. She left shortly after casting some kind of spell to ease the pain for Bennett. 


Fuck... I crack my eye open to get blinded by a bright light. What time is it...? I sit up, taking in my surroundings. Oh. I know this room all to well... "Barbara..? Are you there?" I say with a hoarse voice. I hear clattering from a closet and a squeak. "Bennet?!" Barbara exclaimed as she ran out of the small room. "Oh my archons Ben you really scared me!" She cried as she hugged me. I flinch a bit when she made contact. "Ouch..." I grunt, "Uhm Barb....what happened..?" 

She stood up sharply and angrily pouted at me. "You tell me! Why haven't you eaten? Why do you have new scars all over your body?! I was so worried about you! Even Lisa came to check on you.." I sat there in shock as she spoke. Was I really that sick? Was I...that much of a burden..?

My throat was dry when I tried to speak, like I had swallowed sandpaper.

Am I....crying? 

Before I knew it, tears had welled up and fallen. "I-..I..wha...I...I-I'm so s..sorry.." I covered my eyes with my hands. 

Barbara quickly realized she had been too hard, especially towards someone who had just gone through so much.

She walked over to me and wrapped her arms around my shoulders. "I'm sorry ben...I was just really worried about you because I love you..." She said in a soothing voice, "Lisa, Jean, Amy, and Razor all love you too..."

I let it all out. Every tear, insecurity, pain....everything. And Barbara listened. To every single word...

I really don't deserve her....


Razor walked back to his wolf pack later after he knew Bennett was okay. But...he was troubled with some...thoughts.



I hate to leave Benny so early....but he's sick and weak. 



Why am I so worried about non- wolf friend?

"Urm...Leader..?" Razor asked a large wolf. The wolf looked back down at Razor and smiled. "What is your query, my child?"

Razor shifted uncomfortably. "I have this....human friend. He is very special to me. Maybe...too special. I get nervous and happy around him..." The large wolf listens to Razor, ears perking up and his words. She laughs and puts her tail around Razor. "My pup, don't you realize this emotion already?"

Razor swayed his head to the side in confusion.

"What you're experiencing.."

"Is love...."

damn i havent upated in 6 months

sorry guys


hope this'll feed ya

im like- sick rn




Puppy Love ||Rannett|| \\Bennet x Razor\\Where stories live. Discover now