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Chapter 11: Chapter 11

    He left in such a hurry in the morning and ran wildly all the way, it was only when he sat down that Wang Luosheng realized that something was wrong, he had a smell on his body, no, to be precise, it should be on his face.

    The pot of tea that Wang Luosheng poured on the towel this morning to wipe his face had gone rancid.

    Wang Luosheng was so ashamed that he had no place to be ashamed, what happened today, everything was in order in the past.

    At this moment, Wang Luosheng's stomach gurgled again. The morning was too hasty, and Wang Luosheng didn't even eat breakfast.

    On weekdays, Wang Luosheng always came here early, and he had never been hungry while studying.

    Wang Luosheng found that everything was messed up today.

    Normally, it would be Su Wan who would wake Wang Luosheng up on time, prepare Wang Luosheng's face wash and towels, and then give Wang Luosheng a neatly ironed shirt and clean shoes that were scrubbed last night.

    After Wang Luosheng got dressed, he went to eat the breakfast that Su Wan had prepared early in the morning, which consisted of eggs, milk, noodles, steamed buns, custard buns, various soups, etc. When Wang Luosheng was eating, Su Wan would Wang Luosheng packed the things he needed to use in school neatly.

    After breakfast, Wang Luosheng can go to school to study in a neat and tidy manner.

    Wang Luosheng always thought that these were simple and small things, and that Su Wan should do these things, and most of the time, Wang Luosheng was even annoyed when he saw Su Wan doing these things.

    Wang Luosheng didn't like to get too close to Su Wan, but at these times, Su Wan had to be by his side. Wang Luosheng thought that these were just means for Su Wan to get close to him.

    Most of the time, when Su Wan did these things, Wang Luosheng would frown coldly, for fear that his peaceful actions would arouse Su Wan's fantasies.

    The smell of rotten tea on his face was too strong, and he didn't smell it before because Wang Luosheng was too hasty when he ran over, so he couldn't smell it at all.

    At this time, Wang Luosheng sat down, and he could smell the smell of rotten tea, so he could imagine how strong the smell would be when it spread to the noses of his colleagues around him.

    Wang Luosheng was one of the few who violated the rules. He ran out of the dormitory regardless of his morning reading, and went to the well behind the dormitory to fetch a bucket of water to wash. The bubbled and yellowed tea leaves, I lowered my head again, and found that my shoes were covered with mud, and it was not at all as quiet and peaceful as it used to be.

    Wang Luosheng remembered that a long time ago, because the clothes and shoes were not clean enough, they were often covered with dust, so some people in the school would occasionally laugh at him, saying that they knew that his family ran a mill.

    In recent years, no one has ever laughed at him, because, except Duan Jingtian, who has a girl and servant to prepare everything, no one else is as clean and tidy as he is. Only he laughs at others in his heart, and no one laughs at him portion.

    In addition, his studies have advanced by leaps and bounds in the past two years. Although his family background is a little more ordinary compared to other colleagues, everyone respects him because he is the most likely person in this school to get a job.

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