Rotten to the core - p1

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Music plays as the camera pans on a purple book with a bright red apple pictured on the cover, swirling gold vines and a gold capital D are placed on and around the apple.

The book opens to reveal a tablet, and a purple painted finger swipes up on the tablet to 'flip the page'-revealing the title of the 'book'; Descendants.

'once upon a time-long long ago~'

Naaaah well get to that in a moment, right now! We have some backstory to get into! Meet (y/n)! 16 years old, a Disney fan since she was a baby(sleeping beauty was the shit when she was old enough to remember movies), and now-a huge descendants fan. It's July 31st, 2017, it's been 10 days since Descendants 2 had released-and now (y/n) is hunkering down on her couch to watch the first movie again, and then watch D2 again-just for funsies~.

Harry Hook had quickly and easily stolen her heart as soon as he appeared on screen, and she couldn't wait to start up D2 again. But as the opening credits began to play on her screen-it started to...glitch out, Mal's voice overpowered by a 'new' one, deeper, male-and Scottish.

Before (y/n) could react to it properly-her TV turned to blinding white, the light overwhelming her eyes and living room; something grabbing at her body and tugging her into the screen, the teen was just barely able to grab her phone and bag before she was dragged in screaming to the Descendants world.

What adventures await her there? Only time will tell, for now~ let's get back to those opening credits-shall we?

Mal; "once upon a time, long long ago-well, more like twenty-" Mal gets shoved over, a crashing noise indicating she hit something hard as someone scrambles to sit on the chair Mal was sitting on, a soft snicker coming from the intruder. Mal; "Harry?! I was in the middle-"

Harry Hook; "oh shut it pixie-it's my turn ta narrate! Now go be a bitch somewhere else-anyways~!" Mal storms off in a huff-most likely to complain about Harry to Evie or anyone that would listen. "Twenty years ago, king beasty and his Belle married front' of all six-thousand of their mates-that's a big cake hells bells. Anyway! Beasty united all tha' kingdoms and declared hi'mself king of tha' united states of boreadon~

He rounded up all tha' villains, sidekicks, petty thieves, drug dealers, anyone he could think of that was even slightly bad-and booted em' off ta' the isle of the lost; with a magic barrier ta' keep 'em there.

This is where I live. No magic, no WIFI, no fresh food, and no.way.out....or so we thought~ hol' up hol' up, yer about ta' see me pretty face~ but first-this happened, and ain't she pretty~ no not belle-the one sitting in the chair behind prince beasty.

Prince Ben stares out to the isle of the lost from his room at Beast castle, so much to do in so little time, and his coronation was in just a month-hardly any time to do all he wanted before he was crowned king. Ben let out a small sigh, catching the eye of his newest and now closest friend, who sat on a comfy chair behind him-doodling away as Ben's tailor got to work fitting his coronation suit.

"Are you sure this'll work (y/n)?" Ben asked the girl, who nodded absentmindedly, getting the last details of a certain pirate down before closing her book, and sitting up to give Ben her proper attention. "I'm sure of it, it's your first royal proclamation, it's Auradon law for it to pass with no barriers, be it from your parents or the council-we've been over this beasty boy, just stand your ground and those kids will be here sooner than you can say codfish."

Ben let out a small mutter of 'codfish' with a teasing smile, laughing as (y/n) took a balled-up sheet of paper and chucked it at him, grinning as it bounced off his head and hit the tailor on the shoulder. He just shook his head at the two teens, standing up to bow as King Beast/Adam and Belle walked into the room-both looking ever so proud of their son.

POYW Rewrite V2 - Harry Hook x readerWhere stories live. Discover now