16-whatever but written FULL VERSION 😱😱

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lmao ik i said i wouldnt update this shit but i found a google doc w the full chapter 🏋️

     Trophy soon found the blender and headed off to make his protein shake, grabbing the ingredients he needed and tossing them in. While he was blending the shake he thought about whether he should tell soap or not about his little nightmare, he brushed the thought off and continued with his day. He set up a plate of eggs and bacon and set off for his room, he wanted some time to think after that dream he had. He greeted cheesy on the way.

     In his room, he began eating and decided to look for something to watch on tv but was unsuccessful. Later, he finished eating and got up to leave. He went back to the kitchen to put his plate away. He had decided to skip his 'morning jog' because of the dream he had, and thought about telling someone. He couldn't really decide who to talk to apart from his sister soap, so he did.

     "Hey Soap, can I talk to you?"

     "Of course, what's up?" She smiled

     "Last night I had this.. weird dream" he spoke in an odd tone, which Soap had picked up on.

     "Go on?"

     "Well, everything was pitch black and all I could hear was.."

     Soap motioned her hand for him to keep talking. Trophy was almost stalling.

     "Well it was everyone laughing at me, but I couldn't see them, just hear"

     Soap looked concerned, she didn't really know what to tell him.

     "Well hey, it's just a dream. I'm sure you'll be ok, we love having you here, and we don't have any reason to make fun of you!" She cautiously reassured him, she didn't want to lie but didn't want to hurt his feelings either.

     Trophy gave a small grin and left for his room.

     He sat on his bed and thought about what soap said, he knew she was lying and definitely didn't appreciate it. It was getting late and he let out an exaggerated sigh, preparing to go to bed, he curled up in the covers and drifted to sleep, a little nervous because of the nightmare he had previously had.

     His eyes slowly opened and he was alone in the dark again, he looked around frantically and covered his ears, remembering how loud it was last time.

     But it was Silent.

     He opened his eyes again and froze.

     There he was.. hung by his neck, his organs falling out of his body, fresh blood stained his now dull body as he floated right in front of his mutilated reflection, his eyes were wide open and bloodshot filled with nothing but horror(the dead one) Trophys (actual trophy (the dreaming one yk))body began to tremble then suddenly a wave of agonizing pain hit him, but when he tried to scream nothing came out; all he could do was cry, he was desperately telling himself to wake up when suddenly he shot up from his bed and let out an audible gasp, it was raspy, he was shaking uncontrollably and sweating. He looked around frantically, tears stinging his eyes until he realized where he was, a heavy sigh of relief came from him as he went to get up, but his legs were weakened by his state of shock. He remembered the pain, he couldn't get his mind off it, his breath was finally starting to slow down though as he took control of his thoughts, he tried standing again and was successful, he trudged his way to the bathroom and washed his face, he began splashing water in his face with his hands.

     He wiped his face but when he uncovered his eyes he saw his reflection of course, but this time it was dull. as trophys eyes trailed down the he saw his stomach ripped open like it was in the nightmare, he jumped back and hit the wall unexpectedly, his breath quickening, when suddenly tissues cautiously opened the door.

     "Trophy..? What happened" tissues sounded very tired, as he was woken up by the sudden noise, Trophy shakily lifted his finger towards the mirror "my- my reflection.. i.. i-" he was struggling to get the words out as tissues stared at him confused. Trophy began to get more panicked, the reflection was normal now but he was still frightened.

     He was basically hyperventilating, then began quickly patting his torso.

     "Trophy.. I think you need to go back to bed." Tissues was careful to say, he didn't want to make Trophy mad, though he was doubtful he could with him in a state like this.

     Trophy slowly turned to look at Tissues and stared at him, he tried to say something but couldn't, he was petrified at the gruesome image that stood before him earlier, suddenly he clutched his stomach and shut his eyes, a wave of nausea hitting him as he turned and hurried to grab something he could throw up in, tissues was concerned and went to go find OJ, letting Trophy know beforehand of course. Trophy began vomiting all he could until he was basically just heaving up air, it was so painful. The heaving finally stopped and he fell back and relaxed against the wall, his sides ached as he shook. Tissues came back with OJ and OJ began asking questions, Trophy could barely pay attention, he had so much on his mind. He sat there staring at the floor, completely out of it while OJ was talking.

     Trophy, are you listening..?"


     "Trophy!" OJ snapped his fingers and Trophy focused his gaze on OJ.

     "What's going on??" OJ patiently waited for a response as Trophy began to open his mouth.

     "Th- the mirror, I was.. I- i-... my stomach" Trophy began mumbling and mumbling what sounded like nonsense until OJ stopped him, OJ could only barely make out what Trophy was saying, he sounded exhausted, makes sense. OJ assumed what he was talking about was something about his guts.

     "Slow down Trophy… I think you just need some sleep" (That was really bad dialogue omg I'll fix that later tho)

     "My dream… that was the same thing I saw in my dream" Trophy stammered (again w the bad dialogue) OJ sighed.

     "At least just lie down" as OJ got up he grabbed the bin Trophy was using it and went off to empty it, Trophy wobbily got up and headed for his bed.

     OJ later came back with the now empty bin and set it next to Trophys bed, along with a water bottle, which he set on the night stand. OJ sighed and left.

     Trophy lied there staring into the ceiling, he had calmed down now but he was too scared to go to sleep, he was upset with himself for being so… odd. They probably think he's insane.

     All he could think about after that was the embarrassment, he failed to keep up his tough guy facade because of a stupid nightmare.



arent yall so happy i found this 🧨🧨

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2023 ⏰

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